Vendor Thanks


New member
Oct 20, 2013
Just wanted to relate a little story, and hopefully more businesses take notice. All too often today I see absolutely terrible customer service, not necessarily in HD part vendors but just overall in general. Being a small business owner my business depends on customer service, so it's important to me when I am looking for service.

I recently contacted a forum vendor via PM here, I had been looking all over for a set of bars for my SG. I was pleasantly surprised when the very next day I received a detailed reply. The vendor could have just told me "sorry not in stock" but instead took the time to explain the issues getting the part I was looking for, as well as another part I was just curious about. He didn't say it but I could tell he was probably frustrated over the delays. The message was not only professional but had a personal touch.

When I have good dealings with a vendor I'll return the favor, so I can wait for them to get the parts I want in, while he didn't make an immediate sale, he made a future sale.

So many thanks to; Lindsey Trausch of Iron Aces Speed Shop, Inc.
Just wanted to relate a little story, and hopefully more businesses take notice. All too often today I see absolutely terrible customer service, not necessarily in HD part vendors but just overall in general. Being a small business owner my business depends on customer service, so it's important to me when I am looking for service.

I recently contacted a forum vendor via PM here, I had been looking all over for a set of bars for my SG. I was pleasantly surprised when the very next day I received a detailed reply. The vendor could have just told me "sorry not in stock" but instead took the time to explain the issues getting the part I was looking for, as well as another part I was just curious about. He didn't say it but I could tell he was probably frustrated over the delays. The message was not only professional but had a personal touch.

When I have good dealings with a vendor I'll return the favor, so I can wait for them to get the parts I want in, while he didn't make an immediate sale, he made a future sale.

So many thanks to; Lindsey Trausch of Iron Aces Speed Shop, Inc.

Thank you so, so much for the tremendous compliment Scott14SG!! I am incredibly humbled by your feedback....we take great pride in providing the level of service we'd like to receive when making our own inquiries and/or purchases so your feedback certainly lets us know that we are doing the right things. Thanks truly means a lot to us!!

Lindsey :0)
I too like to give props to companies that go the extra mile to provide their very best to customers. Thanks for sharing!
You're very welcome Lindsey, it's refreshing to deal with someone who puts that personal touch on things and I'm sure good people don't hear that often enough.

harleymojoman- good on ya! Businesses that treat me right will have a loyal customer, those that don't....I'll tell everyone they didn't. I try giving praise every time it's deserved.

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