1st tour on my SG


New member
Dec 8, 2016
Well I'm packing up and heading out for the 1st tour on this new to me 14 SG. Leaving Maine and plan on riding Northern NH, VT. and NY. Cruise down through the Adirondacks and loop back up through the White and Green mountains. 5 day ride. Best part the weather is supposed to be mid 70 -80 degrees and mostly sunny. Looking forward to camping out and having a blast.. This should be a good run as I've done all my touring on my 98 Heritage over the years.
Forecast sounds perfect. Toss some pictures back here if you get time..

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Thanks fellas. All geared up and ready to roll by mid day. Will let you all know how it went once I return.
Just returned from my 5 day cruise through NH, VT AND NY. Just a comfortable cruise. Approx 1,150 miles. Gotta say the bike ran great. Plenty comfortable whether in the twisties or on the open highway. Averaged 48.00 MPG. Already looking forward to the next road trip...
Well I'm packing up and heading out for the 1st tour on this new to me 14 SG. Leaving Maine and plan on riding Northern NH, VT. and NY. Cruise down through the Adirondacks and loop back up through the White and Green mountains. 5 day ride. Best part the weather is supposed to be mid 70 -80 degrees and mostly sunny. Looking forward to camping out and having a blast.. This should be a good run as I've done all my touring on my 98 Heritage over the years.

great! let us know how it goes
Keep us posted, I love to read touring journals, even short ones!

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That trip was in 17. Last year we cruised up to Cape Breton and spent 5 days up there. Perfect weather in mid Sept. Instead of sleeping on the ground we opted for some rustic cabins. Well worth the trip. I'd rank that close behind our trip in 16 when we did the Gaspe Peninsula



Cape Breton



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