Right side hand controls don't work after bar swap


New member
Feb 25, 2015
I just put 12" twin peaks on my 2008 glide and now I have no right side hand controls. The kill switch seems to be working but the bike won't start and I do not have right turn signal. I have checked to make sure I reinstalled the wires into the plug correctly after extending them and all my extensions are soldered and tight with shrink tube. I've seen guys talk about the TBW but they symptoms do not seems the same.

Any help or ideas would be much appreciated.

Did you turn the bike on (ignition switch to the run position) to deactivate the alarm and then pull the main fuse before working on it? This is standard procedure to avoid electrical problems.

If not, try that now and then re-insert the main fuse. It may reset a computer problem. If not, check the fuses and your wiring.
Let me know what you find CJ... I have almost the same issue on my bike... key fob makes the lights flash, but nothing else seems to work. If you figure it out please share!
Do 2008 have alarm? I'm not aware mine does. But I did try to pull the main fuse and reinstall and I still have nothing. I looked at the other fuses and all seems well. I'm just hoping I don't have to pull all the wires from the bars and start over.
Haven't had much more of a chance to look at this due to an issue I have with my neck. But does anyone else have any suggestions?

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I swapped my bars once already and had the same issue plus no throttle. Bike would start but nothing on would happen when I twisted the throttle. Does the check engine light stay on after you turn the bike on after a few minutes? Dealer told me that sometimes after you disconnect the throttle or other wires, engine check light may stay on and needs the codes to be reset for the bike to run again??? Mine had several active codes, one of which was for the throttle disconnected.
Also, I read similar issues for other years with the FBW throttle and found that the plug, mainly the green wire, that's inside the fairing may come lose or not re-seat correctly after a bar swap and that was the most common issue. I cut the connector off and spliced the wires together. That solved my issue and everything worked great immediately after.

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