Pressure Check on Tires?


New member
Nov 11, 2013
Is it just me? I checked the tire pressure the other day before going on a ride and what a pain that was! I think the rotors are larger and it is really difficult getting my hand and gauge in there. Combine that with the fact that I don't have a lift and that makes the back tire a bigger pain in the *ss. I have got to come up with a better system. Not only is it difficult to check the tire pressure but then I have to put air into it and that was hard too. What do you guys do that have the '14 SG?
Is it just me? I checked the tire pressure the other day before going on a ride and what a pain that was! I think the rotors are larger and it is really difficult getting my hand and gauge in there. Combine that with the fact that I don't have a lift and that makes the back tire a bigger pain in the *ss. I have got to come up with a better system. Not only is it difficult to check the tire pressure but then I have to put air into it and that was hard too. What do you guys do that have the '14 SG?

This tire pressure monitor system looks pretty good. Outputs temperature too. Roughly speaking, a ten degree F change in temperature will change your tire pressure 1 psi.

Motorcycle TPMS

Lexinmoto MB2

Motorcycle TPMS

Hulkss- You continue to amaze me with your input and tips . . . . thanks friend!

I bought a tpms unit and can't seem to get it work. Can you easily check your tire pressure before and during a ride? The instructions included in the box aren't good for me and youtube video is useless. Any help will be appreciated.

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