2017 SGS Frame Swap


New member
Sep 7, 2016
I bought my '17 SGS on 9/02/16. Carried it back to the dealer last Saturday for the 1000 mile service and was told they found that the Front Stabilizer Bolt wasnt bottomed out, even though it was properly torqued. They said the Mothership had been notified and they were awaiting instructions. The dealer called today and said, per HD, they were instructed to remove the bolt and try another one. In the event that either bolt breaks while trying to replace, the solution would then be to have HD send a new frame and swap it out. They said it's not that uncommon, they do 2 or 3 a year. Now, Im not trying to jump the gun here, the bolt may be replaced with no problem. But, The thought of my brand new bike potentially being stripped to the frame and rebuilt is upsetting to say the least. Has anyone else ever ran into this?
Good time to install accessories for a big discount in labor. Dealer installed accessories on a new bike get a 2 year warranty.
Agreed. That would be a great idea if I hadn't already dropped about 6k on parts and labor when I bought the bike
I had the Regulator & Stator go out on my 2015 HD Street 750, in the process of replacing the Regulator the metal tab it mounts to broke off the frame. As this was a warranty fix to begin with, Harley opted to replace my entire frame. I too was a bit concerned that on a new bike (7,200 miles when it happened) to be stripped down and rebuilt left me a little uneasy. Other than a few minor adjustments after the rebuild I had no issues with that bike. If it happened to my SG I too would also feel a bit uneasy about riding it as it would no longer be Factory Built. Although I did not have any other issues with that 750, and I got it to 13,600 miles before trading it in on a full size.

I though it was pretty cool though when they replaced the frame that the VIN # had been matched with the original one, and the shop that did the work had to cut the head tube off the damaged frame and ship it back to Harley to be destroyed. And that HD was no longer making the Frame for the 750 at that time, and the new one was made, powder coated and shipped all within a week and a half.

Good luck, I hope you have the same experience I had with a new frame replacement, with no issues.

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