6'6" x 12' trailer works for 2 Glides!


Feb 22, 2014
This trailer is awesome! A close friend is letting me borrow for our Sturgis trip. Joker and I and our ladies will be there. We are only using the last 9.5 ft of the trailer and staggered Condor wheel chocks.... 6 1/2 ft wide inside... 12 ft long

They just fit.... gotta fold the outboard mirrors a bit and pack blankets between the bags...


That's just the bikes... we have alot more stuff to go in.... but that's a thought...

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Might want to strap the rears down, too. Wouldn't want a bump to make them jump together......

Looks like the tandem axles are far enough back for both bikes back that far. Too light of tongue weight is VERY DANGEROUS for the handling and braking of the tow vehicle. Be very careful of loading weight balance.

Enjoy your trip!
That's a nice trailer and it looks like everything will fit just fine. Tying the back down is a very good idea because they will move a little side to side. I will have to get a bigger trailer now too thinking a 16 to 20 footer for 2 bikes or 1 bike 1 trike lol. Wrapping the bags off the bike sounds like a good idea but you could get a way with some moving blankets between them and the walls just in case. With the 2 axles you shouldn't have very much weight on your truck so it should pull like a dream. Trying to get ready myself and it's going to be way too much fun.
Tandem axles help, but definitely tie the back down as they WILL dance around. Have a 16' for a bike and trike combo! Plan on installing a B&W biker bar for my next trip. Have a get trip!!!
Nice looking trailer. Looks like ours when we packed up the trailer last year for the Laughlin River Run. Everything just fits snug. Have a safe trip. Should be a blast and a million bikes to see.
Spazz- Remove the inner bags on each bike for safety. Safe travels, have fun and enter the Sound contest J&M is having!
I appreciate all the advice.... This was a test-fit... and because of that... not a single strap was used. Everything will be strapped from front to back and mirrors tucked. Both bikes will be secured side-to-side as well. We have a lot more stuff to get in there and will be tight, but that's ok. There is more room up front for our tents and totes.... plus the bed of my truck.
Nice set up Spazz - My 2 cents on taking bags off is then you have to find a place to pack them too lol! You'll be fine tying everything down.

Here's my last trip to the Gap. If it wasn't for the sport bike we would not have had a stagger and it would have been very tight with 4 Glides!! All 4 on sport chalks and tied at all 4 corners. 6.5'x16' trailer

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If you strap the bikes nice tight and put moving blankets between them , I wouldn't worry about taking the bags off.

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If you strap the bikes nice tight and put moving blankets between them , I wouldn't worry about taking the bags off.

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Yeah... that's my thought..

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