

New member
Jan 8, 2018
Hello everyone, I have a 14 SGS and have been running Amsoil 75W90 in the tranny, 10W40 in the primary and 20W50 in the engine. That being said, yesterday while I was @ my HD dealer, one of the guys told me that one of their mechanics had torn a 103 down and found a flat spot on a bearing in the tranny. They blamed it on Amsoil.
I had heard this same thing a couple of years ago and thought it was BS. They claim the oil is to slick for the bearing to rotate. I have almost 45K miles on my bike. No problems so far. If anyone out there has any info on this subject, I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks, JM57
I call this bad / dumb/ Ill-informed remarks by the mechanic IF he really did say this. I don't drink the "Amsoli Kool-aid" but this is just plain silly! And, how could they possibly verify or prove this???:confused:

Why 10W40 in the primary???
I'm using Amsoil 20w50 engine, Amsoil tranny fluid, Formula + in primary

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I tend to agree with you, I did hear one of their managers two years ago say that when I told them I was going to Amsoil. I guess they don't like anything except Syn 3.
I run the exact 3 Amsoil grades you do and have been very happy with them.
I started running that combo in 2008 when I did the first oil change on my Fatbob.
Still have it, (though it's the wife's now) and have never found a reason to change.
When I did the first oilchange on my Streetglide I went with the same combo.
If the the bearing is "sliding " on the film of oil, how does it wear? Is the oil abrasive causing this "flat spot". I don't think so.

The mechanic is drinking the kool aid of the Motor Company from years past when the cam bearings were getting flat spots and the sliding of the roller due to slippery synthetic oil was the motor companies response.

I switched over to Amsoil last year and am pretty happy so far. I use the dedicated oils in all three holes and all are fine but the one that I really noticed a difference in is the primary. Clutch is much smoother and more progressive than with Syn3. Can’t say whether it’s any different than other dedicated primary fluids though. I really like Redline in trans but don’t like how it performs when it gets cold up here.

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I have always used Amsoil 20-50 in the engine, BelRay primary and BelRay trans fluid in my bikes with great results! The BelRay sure seems to make shifting much smoother with a lot less clunking!

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