Back doin' bars again!


Feb 22, 2014
Sometimes you gotta hook a brother up and get some bars installed... 2001 Classic getting a set of Wild One Chubbies...10"



He didn't want to go internal... I'm ok with!!
Ran into a snag... these older sleds have hard lines for front brakes reservoir in one complete unit... it all needs to be replaced... clutch cable is too short as well. $247
They do look ... but the 2001 Electra glide was no cooperating.. everything needed to be lengthened. Clutch cable.... brake line and wiring since you MUST run them internal...

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Ran into a snag... these older sleds have hard lines for front brakes reservoir in one complete unit... it all needs to be replaced... clutch cable is too short as well. $247

OUCH ! Spazz, if anybody can solve this-you can.
I got it all done... I will NEVER do another Electra Glide again... EVER!!!!!

Well... not without ALL the junk you need to get it done in a few hours instead of 8 days!!!
Darn! and I was thinking about flying you in here to help me do audio ! ;)
Darn! and I was thinking about flying you in here to help me do audio ! ;)

LOL!!! I would do audio over and over... I just HATED that fact that I didn't get everything I needed to to the job up front ( misinformed ). I would have done it in one day rather than eight.
Ha ha. You're a perfectionist and . . . you can't handle defeat- it's NOT in your DNA brother!
The biggest thing here is you got it done and the next time it will go smoother because you know better and have the knowledge now brother. Your right Mojo he has to do it perfect and that's why he's so much fun.

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