I seen someone had painted some lids for 8's in Daytona Blue. I'm looking to put a set on mine and was wondering who painted them or if they might be selling there's.
I had a set of Bad Dad lids painted that color, I still have the stock lids (not selling). I had them painted locally, the guy did a great job but took way too long, and after a couple tries still couldn't get a perfect match. See below for paint numbers. I bought a set of DBP lowers from HD, even those aren't a perfect match, one of the pieces was slightly off, you have to look close though.
Here's my recommendation if you want to paint Daytona Blue Pearl; contact Custom Painted Vehicles, I found them while on a job in Wisconsin and apparently they do custom work for HD. I contacted them and they said they could paint a set of stretched bags in the stock paint scheme for me, but it won't be cheap. DBP is an expensive color. http://www.cpvehicles.com/
I was actually looking to buy a set already painted if their was others that had painted a set. My stock ones are fine just thinking of putting 8's in my lids
I think most aftermarket companies stray away from the "painted to match" game because they may not match at all. Paint colors, and how it's mixed, can vary. This leaves the bike owner forced to buy them primer bare or natural then take them to a local trusted painter.