Bel Ray Mineral Oil


New member
Jun 15, 2015
When I bought my 2007 Street Glide the dealer told me it had just been serviced. All oils, etc. changed. I asked what oil was in the engine and he told me they use Bel Ray 20w 50 dino oil exclusively. So, I'm wondering, is this a good oil? I know Bel Ray makes tranny oil, but I never knew they made engine oil. Also, it's dino oil, not synthetic, so I was anybody using, or know anything about, Bel Ray engine oil? Dealer says it's GREAT oil, but hey, that's what he uses, so what else is he gonna say?
:) And who on here is running dino oil instead of synthetic? Any problems with dino? Thanks!
I would run it and change to a synthetic at the next normal change.
Beware, this is a subject with lots of varying opinions. I run HD 20W50 conventional oil in my 2015 107ci SGS. I once bought Lucas 20W50 Synthetic and my buddy, who is a certified Harley mechanic went nuts when I told him what I had done. He told me to dump it ASAP and never to use anything but conventional oil. Whether he was right or wrong, I don't know, but I took his advice and immediately dumped $70 worth of oil and put conventional back in. He has built over 1800 HD engines (from mild to wild) in the past 20 years, so it's fair to say he knows and has seen a thing or two regarding HD motors.
Bel-Ray is a good company, Started making chain greases for the baking industry decades ago.

They were out of Farmingdale NJ but a few years ago they were purchased by Calumet Lubricants who also own Royal Purple.

Bel-Ray makes the lubricant for the retention cables on our aircraft carriers, made Mercury lower unit oil for boats...all good stuff. They are also hige in the mining industry.

I wouldn't worry about using as far as using synthetic or petroleum, remember this....if your oil manufacture is selling you a synthetic oil that they blended with a Group III bases is petroleum oil.


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