**Black transmission inspection cover and cam cover hazing**


New member
Feb 15, 2015
Has anyone besides me noticed hazing or hot spots on their gloss black transmission inpsection cover and cam cover? I'm wondering how this happened already with only 771 miles on the bike? I'm also curious as to whether the coating is gloss black paint or powder coat?
It appears as if the coating is paint. The spot was able to be buffed out very easily.
Yes, my black rocker box covers are becoming hazy with only 700 miles on the bike
These posts could very easily be tied in with Mojo's HD marketing rant. Inferior products at times will certainly cause this sort of thing. We allwould probably fall over backwards if we knew what the MoCo was paying its sources to coat and/or build certain parts. My guess is they're paying as little as possible, so that they can line their pockets with as much money as they possible can.
I notice two hazed spots on my primary cover a little bigger than a quarter. I was able to dull them using a light compound but theyre still visible. I just picked my 18 SGS up 3 days ago.
I Purchased a 2018 Street Glide Special on July 25. I noticed after one ride the Primary Cover developed a hazing spot. On the 3rd day of ownership, I rode the bike back to the dealership. The Service Manager took pictures and sent them in as a defect to be covered under warranty. The Service Manager blamed it on a thin spot from the Powder coat? Needless to say, I will finally be getting my Primary Cover replaced for free on September 19th. I am happy it was covered under warranty; however, I do not understand why it took this long. I love the look of the blackout bike; however, I am really worried. I am second guessing my expensive purchase, maybe should have stuck with chrome.
Crap I just picked mine up a couple days ago, do you guys happen to have pics you could share?
Crap I just picked mine up a couple days ago, do you guys happen to have pics you could share?

Unfortunately I don't have any. However, if this happens to your bike it will be very easy to notice the hazy spots on top of the transmission inspection cover and cam cover. It will return to a luster finish with a good rubbing compound and polish though.
Unfortunately I don't have any. However, if this happens to your bike it will be very easy to notice the hazy spots on top of the transmission inspection cover and cam cover. It will return to a luster finish with a good rubbing compound and polish though.

Thank you nogot8r, is this something w just deal with or do we bring it in to the dealer?
2018 Street Glide is back home with a free of charge (covered under warranty) new Primary installed. So far no hazing on this one. I am very pleased with the way I was treated at Napoleon Harley Davidson.
just under 300 miles and my Rocker boxes are Hazy as well.. to the point you think there Gray.. is this a return to dealer type thing?

I would take it back and make them replace it. If they argue call the corporate line and ask them to provide it for you.
spoke to Dealer. They want me to bring it in to inspect. i will keep you updated on the out come.
I polished and waxed mine with a mini polisher and it hasn't hazed over again. That was several months ago.
just a heads up. Was able to bring her in to the dealer and my sales guy came out to look at because they had not heard about this before.
He was actually really surprised by the hazing and actually tried to polish it. It started to come back a little but couldn't believe the amount of effort it took.
So he wanted to get the guys from service to come out and look at it.
They came out and looked and actually pointed out that it was actually happening to all the pieces attached to the Engine.
They asked that i wait till me first service and that if happens again they will for sure take pictures and send it to Harley for further investigation and probably replace the pieces.
So in the mean time I'm supposed to go home and polish it at all and see if it happens again. I told them I would do it this time but wont keep doing it, they said they 100% agree.
So will see where we end up from here.

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