Some history...
Some history...
Yep that's it Spazz I was having a brain fart
There's a history behind these old-school biker or "getback" whips. Back in the day, you'd see bikers sporting whips - hanging from their clutch or brake levers as they rode. The leather whips were usually made from the biker's club colors - to display their colors and for club recognition.
Back in the day, the very ends of the whips were weighted...2 fold reasoning... control the whip in the wind and when necessary, to be used as a weapon. They were primarily made of braided leather with a quick release clip you find on a horse bridal.
Another 'reason' for them was ( believe or not ) for safety. The flashy colors of the whips flying in the breeze was readily noticeable.'s normally for Club Colors... I fly a Red and Yellow whip to identify with my Club Colors.... Marine Corps Colors.
If you state allows you to fly a whip, please do so off the clutch and NOT THE BRAKE. Think safety here people.
As far as legalities go, like I said, check with your local laws. Here in Nevada, it's overlooked by most and not an offense by itself.... however, I have been 'talked to' by the local police as well as NHP.
California considers a whip a weapon and can be charged as a felony offense. I remove mine when I cross the border, even though my whip is NOT and genuine whip.
I have a paracord whip and plastic latch and call it DECORATION when asked... I have no weighted part of my whip.
I fly mine proudly....