Carry when riding


Dec 6, 2013
How many carry?
Here is my "Roadside kit". :cool:
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I always carry a 9mm either open (legal since I live in AZ) but most times concealed as I have a carry permit.
I carry legal in about 21 states including my own state (MD).


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Always carry.. XD 40 3.8. Inside waist Kadex holster

Charcoal pearl,4"jackpot,decat head pipe,tuner,21" Costal moto rim,chopped tour pak,Rockford amp and speaker upgrade. SE stage 1.
i carry as well. Depends what I'm wearing and going is what I'm carry.

N82 Tactical IWB Holsters only way to go.

Sig P938 (9mm) or XDS 3.3" (45mm) or Glock 19 (40mm) -the glock not so much.
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CC is sometimes tough in the summer when just in a T shirt on a bike. CC in my state means no print.
CC is sometimes tough in the summer when just in a T shirt on a bike. CC in my state means no print.

That sucks, in Idaho you can CC with a permit & open carry with a Hunting License. We still have guns in gun racks in the back of pickups
Concealed Carry Permit

Concealed Carry Permit

I too have my TN. CCP which works in most states. I always carry concealed even though we have a choice. I keep one loaded on all three levels of the house as well.
I dropped out of the NRA. It was junk and spam mailing me to death! :mad:

Sig P238
Glock 27
Kimber Ultra ll
Kahr PM9
Ruger SR9
LCR .38 inside waist band in summer or in jacket when needed. Not always, just depends. Have CCW.
"The two most important rules in a gunfight are: always cheat and always win."

Charcoal pearl,4"jackpot,decat head pipe,tuner,21" Costal moto rim,chopped tour pak,Rockford amp and speaker upgrade. SE stage 1.
I carry my Glock 26 9mm in an Alien Gear inside the waistband holster. I maintain my home state CCW permit and also the Utah CCW permit. These allow me to CC in most states.
1911 or if it's cold the XD with 14 rounds and 45 for a reason,but if I'm going to party nothing on me just the bag. Seems to keep me out of trouble these days. Have the Utah CCW also helps with a lot of states but not California and that state is just stupid.


.45 automatic colt pistol, enhanced model is my favorite. choose the right tool for the job. CCW in 30 states.


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