Cutting down


New member
Sep 1, 2015
Does anyone have any experience about cutting down the height of a windscreen?
I have a decent tool shed and selection of tools and I want to cut down the height of a LRS windscreen by 1 1/2 inches.

Removing material from the bottom seems right to me, but any suggestions??
I have not done a windscreen but have worked with plastic for a long time. I would say your best bet would be sanding it to the size you want not cutting it as it can crack very easy. If I was doing it I would put some masking tape covering the front and back just a little bit higher then what you want to remove, draw a line at the point you want remove and scribe it with a blade then remove the tape from waste area. Now get a dermal tool or the likes with a sanding drum and go at it. Don't go to fast as the plastic will melt. After you get it to where you want it take some 400 grit sandpaper to smooth out the edge and if wanted you can either flame polish the edge or hand polish it.
Hope this helps
Put masking tape on the the windshield and ride around to get the cut height perfect by looking over the taped part. Tape it up so you don't scratch it and just cut off the top with a band saw or similar tool. File and then sand the edge smooth.

After you cut it to height and sand the edge smooth, just wipe it (one pass on sanded edge only) with a rage with a little acetone in it. The edge will be perfectly polished. Practice on the cut-off piece.

I've sawed off several. Never had one crack.
I cut mine down with a jig saw made for plastic. I taped the windscreen and then drew a line where i wanted it cut.
after making first cut i then took the cut piece and retraced the top of the cut with the curve of the piece i cut off. It turned out great. Take your time and cut it on the bike. cover the dash, tank and fender to insure you dont scratch anything.

Good Luck

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