Yes. I've taken it twice. The most recent time had a few of the same drills from the BRC and some new (slightly more advanced) drills. It is all to increase your skill and confidence on your bike- no scorecard involved- just coaches giving you feedback and instruction.
Excellent course, though can be instructor dependent. After my practice marriage went to hell, I went a few years with out a bike. When I could finally afford a new, used bike, I took the class to knock off any rust. I enjoyed it.
I've taken it twice. The Army requires that we take it when ever we get a new or different motorcycle. It's a good course and like SPFDRum said, can be based on the instructor as well.
I've taken it twice. The Army requires that we take it when ever we get a new or different motorcycle. It's a good course and like SPFDRum said, can be based on the instructor as well.