Hello all,
My question is...
Are factory Road King & Ultra touring seats the same ?
I picked up a take off new Road King seat for longer trips w/ my wife & I...
The factory Ultra seats look like they have a little more rear cushion area...
Can anyone confirm ? I have not had time to varify @ my local dealer.
I found a new take off Ultra seat for $90 & wanted to purchase it but if its the same as the Road King seat why bother...
My question is...
Are factory Road King & Ultra touring seats the same ?
I picked up a take off new Road King seat for longer trips w/ my wife & I...
The factory Ultra seats look like they have a little more rear cushion area...
Can anyone confirm ? I have not had time to varify @ my local dealer.
I found a new take off Ultra seat for $90 & wanted to purchase it but if its the same as the Road King seat why bother...