Front wheel bearing???


New member
Dec 31, 2014
Pulled out of the driveway the other day and at the first stop sign heard a horrible grinding sound from the front end
Carefully road around the neighborhood and was fine
Road to my Independent shop for advice
RC wheels installed at dealer new and now have1000 miles
Yaffe Yaxle installed one week ago by my Indy.
That's why I took the bike to the Indy and he thinks I have bad bearing
I have full wheel and tire warenty so I'm thinking of taking it to Harley
The Indy could replace them but it obviously would cost me
Anyone have a similar experience?
The shop manager said the after market bearings are not the best and he doubts tne dealer reinstalled the Timpkins from the factory wheel
I need to get to the bottom of this before Daytona
Thanks, Dutch
Good luck Dutch, I have 12k on my stock scoot and I think I've got a noisy front bearing too.
I decided to be proactive and I'm going to have the Indy put new Harley Timkin bearings in the front wheel
A little bit of cost but I've been down the Harley road with these kinds of problems and 3trips to the dealer to figure out the problem is unacceptable just to save $100 bucks with the wheel and tire warenty
I'm not sure what the RC people use for bearings and The guy at RC didn't know either, but you can figure they are made in China and they aren't worth a crap
I have heard reports from this forum and others about faulty front wheel bearings. With that in mind I have thought that my front end was starting to get a bit noisy. The 2014 SGS has 10,000 miles and the original tires on it. I went to the local HD dealership today and told them I was starting to hear noise. Kinda like a dull roar, not real loud, only while in curves around 35+ MPH. Two different people took it out, the service manager and a tech. The service manager said he heard no noise, the tech did hear something. They took the bike back and jacked it up. They reported no noise, freeplay, or movement while on the jack. Their conclusion was a 10,000 mile tire starting to get noisy. I had considered that possibility prior to taking the bike to them. I do like and trust the service manager so far. I think I will go with their decision for now. Any one else have any thoughts?
Their conclusion was a 10,000 mile tire starting to get noisy. I had considered that possibility prior to taking the bike to them. I do like and trust the service manager so far. I think I will go with their decision for now. Any one else have any thoughts?

Tire noise can change dramatically with tread wear. Every different tire design will act in a unique way. Don't know about these, but it is certainly a possibility.

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