HD Ride planner


Jul 18, 2014
Has any one had luck with the "new" ride planner? I just tried it and am having all sorts of issues. If I try to drag a route to change it between two points it make the route all haywire. I do not know how long ago they changed it because I have not used it in some time. Are there any good tutorials out there?

What else is everybody using to load routed to the GPS on the infotainment system?
Check out lawabidingbiker.com this guy has a ton of great videos and tutorials. You can find them on his website as well as youtube. Hope this helps
Thank you, I do have the tutorial for the old ride planner. It was very good. The whole program has changed now.
I've never had the patience for this poorly designed feature. :mad:
Mojo, believe me the old system was tough to learn. This new one is horrible. There are so many bugs. You would think HD would try to make this easy to use to be a plus on the infotainment system. IF you got frustrated before don't even try this out now.
I've used the new planner without any difficulties. I just loaded a few custom rides into my Boom Nav system. They show up as trips! There are many free tutorials on the subject....... just get a recent one! Law abiding biker's videos are a bit pricey!!

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