How hard have bottomed?


New member
Aug 18, 2013
I hit so damn hard today, I was sure something had to have broken.
I am always watching for gravel and potholes. Especially in Wisconsin this time of year. The winter frost raises hell on the roads and the state, counties and cities either have not made the repairs or they're not going to.
I missed this sunken manhole cover and slammed really effin hard. I hurt from the jab. Was in town doing about 25 mph.
How much can these bikes take??? Really, I'm curious on your thoughts and stories of a hard hit and did everything make it out OK. I stopped down the road a ways and looked and then again when I got home about 25 miles later. Haven't seen anything obvious.
I am using Progressive 944 shocks with standard springs set fairly firm. Front end has Progressive springs and all else is stock. No shake or vibration after the hit. Wound it up to 85, didn't notice anything yet.
I'd think maybe keeping an eye on your tire pressure in case of a slow leak.
I was traveling along at 70 mph on the interstate, when I noticed one of the 2 1/2" thick rectangular rubber bases that hold the tall orange construction cones right in front of me. I looked right and noticed a lady in a car speeding up, so going to the right to avoid the road hazard was not an option, nor was swerving into the jersey barrier that was to my left. I held on tight and drove right over it. It was a very rough ride, but the bike handled it well. I looked the bike over afterwards and found no damage. I like to say that I earned my pilots wings that day because both wheels left the interstate on the hit.
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buckshot85. We have the same pothole problem in my county. I work for the road department and know how difficult it is to keep up with patching holes. Being in a rural area, we have trees everywhere, and at times they cast shadows on the road, making it hard to see potholes. I hit a fairly deep one dead center a month ago. My first thought was to look at my rim for a dent. Not finding one I inspected the sidewall of my tires for any visible damage. Not finding any, I watched tire pressure for a couple of days. I have not had any problems.
I once ruptured my front fork hitting a pothole and had to have the dealer repair it (Metric daze)!
That's what I was really concerned about. Kind of a good bad thing. I'm wanting chrome lowers, just not now.
A few months back, I noticed a rather large metal piece in the road. It might have been a piece to a car or truck, but that sucker was solid. The car in front of me went over top of it, and just after it passed, that's when I saw it. Didn't have time to try to swerve around it, so I ran right over top of it. Both wheels and the frame came into contact with the item. Wheels and tires are fine. Frame has a pretty decent bend in it now, but not enough to run into anything above it. Was probably going about 55 or 60 at the time.

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I hit so damn hard today, I was sure something had to have broken.
I am always watching for gravel and potholes. Especially in Wisconsin this time of year. The winter frost raises hell on the roads and the state, counties and cities either have not made the repairs or they're not going to.
I missed this sunken manhole cover and slammed really effin hard. I hurt from the jab. Was in town doing about 25 mph.
How much can these bikes take??? Really, I'm curious on your thoughts and stories of a hard hit and did everything make it out OK. I stopped down the road a ways and looked and then again when I got home about 25 miles later. Haven't seen anything obvious.
I am using Progressive 944 shocks with standard springs set fairly firm. Front end has Progressive springs and all else is stock. No shake or vibration after the hit. Wound it up to 85, didn't notice anything yet.

Here in Minesota (and I'm sure the same in Cheese Land) we have TWO seasons; Winter and Road Construction! As you know, if we are not looking for ice patches we are vigilant of rough roads and patches.
Yesterday Was following a huge dump truck loaded with hot tar. Was back about a block when he hit a bump and the tail gate opened. He dumped fresh hot tar 4" thick for a mile. Hopefully filled a few potholes as he went over them. I stopped before I got into the mess and called the Sherriff office with the info. I tell Ya! They are out to get us!

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I hit a hole on I-40 one night just west of Memphis and was rinning about 75 and when I saw it then it was too late to swerve as I would have surely went down as the freakin hole was about 5" deep and about 2' across!!!! I hit hard enough I thought I had busted a wheel or something. Luckily all it done was knocked out a tail light lense ughh!

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