Issues Since Iphone 9.1 Update


New member
Aug 25, 2015
A couple of nights ago I updated my iphone 5S to the newest 9.1 version. Since then when I plug my iphone in to the USB media port it says it says it's reading my iphone but then says it cannot find any playable media. When I unplug it from USB it will connect and play music via bluetooth like always. Has anyone else had this happen and were you able to correct this? I like to plug my iphone into the USB port to keep it charged while riding.
I have had a few times that I had to completely reboot the iPhone and then it connected (via cable) just fine......I'm sure that HD will address this with a software update for the's rich thinking that the MoCo would actually do anything right on that POS system......oh sometimes I just crack myself up ROTFL
Iphone 6 here with IOS 9.1 and I have had no issues whatsoever. I am still on Boombox 1.18.3 firmware because I don't want any later updates that might mess up my J&M Amp settings. I'm happy!
I wanted to give an update. When my phone updated, it switched all of my offline music off. So none of my music could be played unless my phone was connected to wifi. Once I switched my offline music back on, it connected and played like normal.
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Iphone 6 here with IOS 9.1 and I have had no issues whatsoever. I am still on Boombox 1.18.3 firmware because I don't want any later updates that might mess up my J&M Amp settings. I'm happy!

Hey Mojo, question, upgrading the boom software will mess up the after market amp flash setting? My software hasn't been updated in over a year...reason I ask, after my RF Amp was installed, my clock sometimes freezes at 1200. Goes to 1203, then resets back to 1200.....

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Hey Mojo, question, upgrading the boom software will mess up the after market amp flash setting? My software hasn't been updated in over a year...reason I ask, after my RF Amp was installed, my clock sometimes freezes at 1200. Goes to 1203, then resets back to 1200.....

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T8ness, I'm not sure what's going on with the radio unless it has something to do with the 12/24 hr setting. Spazz originally warned that doing the Boombox updates could affect your aftermarket Amp adjustments you have the dealer do and sure enough I asked my Tech "IF" that could change them with a firmware update and he said very possible. Since I had to pay the dealer to do the Boombox settings for my J&M amp, I have passed on all new updates and have had zero issues.
Ok thanks Mojo, I don't know why the clock freezes. But I'll refrain from updating the boom radio software......don't wanna mess up the flash settings for my Amp

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