New 2018 SG owner here with a couple of questions


New member
Nov 18, 2017
I purchased my 2018 SG with a extended warranty. I want to upgrade the air cleaner and pipes(suggestions welcomed) Can I run a tuner without voiding my warranty? I've been reading lots of threads, but it all still seems a little foggy to me abou't what I can and can't do and what I should and shouldn't do. Fuel Moto suggested running a power commander. I am thinking of putting in a Stage 3 kit later. Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance.
I believe most here will tell you it's very subjective based on the dealership your're working with on if they will or won't void. To be safe your best bet is to run the tuner HD offers.

I'm running, and several others here are as well the V&H FP3 tuner for its ease of install and use, with the ability to pick and choose maps for a variety of upgrades. The auto-tune feature is worth the price of admission. I believe the HD tuner requires a visit to the dealer for changes in the tuning setup. Plus the cost HD charges in doing so.

I installed the SE high-flow filter that utilizes the stock cover and SE 4.5" street cannons and really like this setup. The FP3 works perfectly with this setup and the map I have chosen.

Will it void my warranty...? The MOCO dealerships I suppose can do whatever they want, to whom ever they want, at any time.

50-50 chance I guess I'm willing to take based on how the SG runs now compared to how it did prior to the changes. YMMV...
If you're going to be putting in a Stage 3 kit later, I would suggest getting a tuner that you will leave room for growth. Having said that, if you want to keep your warranty intact and don't ever plan on going beyond the Stage 3, you might want the HD SE Street tuner with the auto tune add-on is an option. Just know that if you go this route, you will be leaving some power on the table because HD tunes are very conservative. Remember, HD got into trouble with the EPA and were ordered to pay millions in fines, so they are going to be careful moving forward.

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