Old but new here


New member
Sep 24, 2021
Hello Everyone,

I'm Terence from California, and I joined this forum around two years ago. During this time, I've been quietly observing conversations and gathering knowledge. My initial plan was to purchase a street glide, but due to unforeseen circumstances, the purchase got delayed. Finally, a couple of months ago, I acquired a street glide, and now I'm back on the forum with a question as I prepare my bike for the upcoming riding season, including a planned coast-to-coast tour.

The bike came with saddlebags, and the rear mount was already installed, but there's no tour pack. I'm currently in the market for one and discovered that Harley Davidson offers tour packs on their website (https://www.harley-davidson.com/us/...;x1=primaryCategoryCode;x2=superCategoryCodes). However, the prices range from $1.4k to $2k, which seems quite steep. In my search, I stumbled upon a brand called Viking Bags, offering similar tour packs for a significantly lower price (https://www.vikingbags.com/collections/harley-davidson-touring-motorcycle-tour-packs), ranging from $400 to $600.

I'm curious if any of you have experience with Viking Bags. What's the quality of their tour packs? If the quality is lower, do you think it's worth considering them given the substantial price difference, or should I opt for the original Harley Davidson tour packs, despite the higher cost?

I value your insights on this matter.

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