Older Street Glide


New member
Jun 15, 2015
I have a 2007 Street Glide. I have it just the way I want it, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Problem is, it's 11 years old now, and everyone keeps asking when I'm gonna get a newer bike. Truthfully, I really don't care for the newer bikes. I'm not a fan of the latest gadgets on the newer bikes. I started riding in the mid 1960's when most bikes didn't even have turn signals! So my Street Glide with radio and CD player seems pretty modern to me! Everyone thinks I'm riding a "dinosaur" because my bike is 11 years old. When did an 11 year old, perfectly fine motorcycle become a "dinosaur" anyway? I'm gonna be 67 this summer, so this bike is probably a keeper. But why does everyone make you feel like you're missing out by not buying something newer? I know the dealers want you to upgrade, but my buddies act like I'm crazy for not wanting the latest/greatest. I guess I could understand the "dinosaur" comment if I was riding around on an oil leaking 1950's Panhead or something. But a 2007 Twin Cam 96" 6 speed is an "old" bike?
My question is.....how many of you ride an older bike and have no intention of getting a newer one?
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I think your right and its strange, I think a lot of people these days are just totally fixated on something new and wanting everything new.
Hell, trucks seem to be considered old if they are 5 years old these days, must be this disposable everything mentality some have?

I have only had my bike for roughly half the time as you, but as the seasons go by I find myselft thinking why get a new one?
I have looked at them hard but then I look at mine and see the time I have put in to make it what I expect my bike to be both comfort and what I see. Interesting post, thanks.
Mine is a 2015 and because of the M8 people act like it's outdated. I'm still making it mine. This bike is great and getting better, I see no reason to change up for a newer one. You can upgrade the engine and suspension on any bike to make it run and ride better, I have done it to my new bike! I say if you're happy with your bike there's no reason to get new. If you ride a new one and you feel it's worth your money then it's up to you but don't let anyone else spend your money for you. You wouldn't get rid of your puppy because it became a dog! Now a second bike might be a different story...LOL
If your bike is the model that you want, it’s running and handling well, you’ve modified it to make it just the way you want it, then there is no reason at all to buy a new bike unless you just want one. You can build up your motor to compete with any M8, if you want, and not have spent nearly the money it takes to buy an M8. If you do buy a new bike, then you know that you’re starting all over again and will be spending many thousands of dollars all over again to make it what the factory should have done for you (better suspension for one thing!)
You’re happy with your bike. Don’t let anyone else tell you what should make you happy. It’s like one man choosing a wife for another man.
Luv my 2012, only thing I would like about newer bike would be the touch screen infotainment system, even though they seem to hav a lot of problems. I hav no payments sooo anything I want to buy I can get without having to save for it & pay a monthly payment on the bike. I hav modified just about everything on it except motor. Cams are nxt! I’m a chrome kinda guy & the newer ones seem to lean tward blacked out wich isn’t my style. But to each there own. Chris
Might also be buying into the Harley brand kool-aid. Go to the dealership with a 14-16 and they'll tell you how much better that new big motor is and how the suspension just went from the springs they used on stage coaches to a new Cadillac.

I hope to get to keep a bike long enough to wear it out. With that said, I won't buy a pre 14 street glide because I want the built in GPS and the much improved saddlebag latches. Power and comfort can be modified on any bike though. I wanted the new motor so I sold myself on an 18 but I'm sure paying for it, I could have saved thousands if I'd gotten another 14 or something of the like.

I wouldn't let anyone tell you your bike needs replacing. Your bike, your choice. Of course if you want some of the new features, or if you feel it's just not worth fixing any more then by all means look at a newer bike. But it's still your choice how much newer you're going to go.

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Hey AzGlocker, I hope you didn’t interpret my post to be dissing anyone who buys a new bike. I didn’t mean anything like that. There’s nothing wrong with the taste of kool-aid as long as it’s not from somebody else pouring it down your throat. :)
I traded my 2003 Super Glide Sport to buy a 2016 SGS in October of 2016. There were plenty of 2017s available, but I wanted the 2016. My brother, my nephew, and my best friend all bought 2017 Road Glides and Limiteds. My other brother is riding his 1995 Ultra and will never part with it. Everybody gotta scratch their own itch and owes nobody a reason why.
Hey AzGlocker, I hope you didn’t interpret my post to be dissing anyone who buys a new bike. I didn’t mean anything like that. There’s nothing wrong with the taste of kool-aid as long as it’s not from somebody else pouring it down your throat. :)
I traded my 2003 Super Glide Sport to buy a 2016 SGS in October of 2016. There were plenty of 2017s available, but I wanted the 2016. My brother, my nephew, and my best friend all bought 2017 Road Glides and Limiteds. My other brother is riding his 1995 Ultra and will never part with it. Everybody gotta scratch their own itch and owes nobody a reason why.
I definitely did not, my kool-aid comment was more aimed at the idea of calling an older bike junk. I've just seen so many dealers personally that when I walk in, they're handing me glasses of 2018 kool-aid saying that the new bike is bigger faster better stronger cheaper lighter and prettier. My point was more that some people might be a little drunk and believe since yours ain't a "current generation" it's weak, worthless and has the Harley death wobble.

I do really enjoy my 18 but now if I need a new bike, I'll buy a 17+ unless Harley changes something else by then that makes me just go "I want that!" like bigger bags, gas tank or a infotainment console that doesn't feel like it was made in the 90s.

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To me it's a funny question considering how popular vintage bikes are. I ride what I like.
I have a 2007 Street Glide. I have it just the way I want it, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Problem is, it's 11 years old now, and everyone keeps asking when I'm gonna get a newer bike. Truthfully, I really don't care for the newer bikes. I'm not a fan of the latest gadgets on the newer bikes. I started riding in the mid 1960's when most bikes didn't even have turn signals! So my Street Glide with radio and CD player seems pretty modern to me! Everyone thinks I'm riding a "dinosaur" because my bike is 11 years old. When did an 11 year old, perfectly fine motorcycle become a "dinosaur" anyway? I'm gonna be 67 this summer, so this bike is probably a keeper. But why does everyone make you feel like you're missing out by not buying something newer? I know the dealers want you to upgrade, but my buddies act like I'm crazy for not wanting the latest/greatest. I guess I could understand the "dinosaur" comment if I was riding around on an oil leaking 1950's Panhead or something. But a 2007 Twin Cam 96" 6 speed is an "old" bike?
My question is.....how many of you ride an older bike and have no intention of getting a newer one?

I share your viewpoint and your age and agree that at age 67 my 2014 SG may be my last bike also. My previous bike was a 1995 EVO SoftTail which I loved dearly. The engine was far from stock and very fast but also very dependable.
It takes me a bit of time to get everything on my bike just the way I like it especially since I'm tall and need extended boards, brake, shifter, etc. There is a certain comfort in an old pair of shoes or gloves or leather coat that just can't be replicated on demand. It's also nice when people can recognize your bike when it's parked and your not on it. I met a rider at the first Arizona Bike Week. A year later he was visiting relatives in my small town in Minnesota when he came blowing in the front door of my favorite watering hole and said "Hey man, I recognized your bike out front". We had a beer and caught up on life a bit. Yep, it's nice when my bike becomes part of me. No, you'll not see me trading up to the newest model year anytime soon.
I have a 2014 SG, and I’m happy with it. Same here tho, dealer wants me to upgrade and I say pound sand. No bike payment and my bike runs great. I test road the M8s, and it didn’t blow my mind enough to start bike payments over. Whatever you ride, If you love it, great...my buddy just got an ‘18, I say more power to you, I have my pink slip hahahahahah.

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I bought my 2013 SG with 3 miles on it and have no plans of ever parting with it! I'm not crazy about many of the changes Harley made after the '13 so as long as nothing happens to it, we are gonna be together for a long time!
I think it is just personal preference, whatever you like is just good for you! I know I'm plenty happy with my '13 and she still gets many compliments!

Ride safe...

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I ride a 2009 SG. I traded in a 2012 Switchback. My wife rides a 2017 SG. I really really wanted the Twin Cam motor. I'm not a big fan of the 103. I didn't have any problems with it, it just wasn't very exciting. And truthfully, I welcome a little excitement when I wrap that throttle. The bike has true duels, intake and tuner. In a couple of weeks, 13' apes are going on as I knot up real bad between the shoulder blades on long trips. This winter I'm installing Woods 222 cams to uncork the motor a bit. Nothing major, just enjoying the bike and summer.20180616_123540.jpg

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