Bought mine used. Found a youtube video on how to change the code but I assume it has been already changed.
The scenario: I followed the instructions. After the third kill switch stroke it goes directly to "Enter Code" mode without even doing the "two left, one right" turn signal presses. So I tried the factory 31313 code without success.
I would think that there is a sequence available to change the codes when the FOB is in proximity as it would be important to HD service techs.
BTW, I searched here. Resetting the security ccodes. No matches found.
Any help is greatfully appreciated.
The scenario: I followed the instructions. After the third kill switch stroke it goes directly to "Enter Code" mode without even doing the "two left, one right" turn signal presses. So I tried the factory 31313 code without success.
I would think that there is a sequence available to change the codes when the FOB is in proximity as it would be important to HD service techs.
BTW, I searched here. Resetting the security ccodes. No matches found.
Any help is greatfully appreciated.