Restting the security code, 2014 SG


New member
May 13, 2016
Bought mine used. Found a youtube video on how to change the code but I assume it has been already changed.

The scenario: I followed the instructions. After the third kill switch stroke it goes directly to "Enter Code" mode without even doing the "two left, one right" turn signal presses. So I tried the factory 31313 code without success.

I would think that there is a sequence available to change the codes when the FOB is in proximity as it would be important to HD service techs.

BTW, I searched here. Resetting the security ccodes. No matches found.

Any help is greatfully appreciated.
I bought mine used too but it was set to 12345 as the default. The previous owner said he never set his own code. I actually just reset it today.
If having trouble resetting, check out my reply to a thread for this issue, hope it helps !

Member Keefer had it exactly right ! I tried 10 times following the manual with no success until i went faster on the kill switch and turn signal. Dont wait for the fuel pump to pressurize each time when doing the on/ off sequence. Take about 2 seconds total on the kill, and less on the left turn signal. Afterwards, i tried to start the bike without the FOB near, and it fired right up after entering the PIN. Feel allot less worried about poppin a cap at someone who tries to take the baby.
Had a 2002 Deuce with the push button FOB and swore by it. Set up the no FOB present on it and highly recommended it to others. Can be really useful when you need to disable it and the fob is not nearby!

Sucks not having an owners manual. I found the instructions and it worked! Thanks for your help.

Here's the directions I have (2014). From the comments I assume they are OK as they say to cycle the OFF/RUN switch.

View attachment 1423
Found this on hdforums. Hope it helps others here:

You probably hit the emergency flasher button when you shut it down. You no longer turn the flashers on by pressing both turn signal buttons at the same time. The 2014 bikes have a flasher button: Right handlebar switch housing, "inside" button, press the top. To turn them off, press it again. I found this out while trying buttons on my first ride home from the dealer.

I just went out to the garage to check. To turn them on, the main switch needs to be on or accessories. To turn them off, it also has to be on or accessories. When the switch is off, lock, or unlock, they will not turn off.

Obviously he hit the hazard switch (top of the starter button) in the process. He ended up disconnecting the battery to shut it down. Kind of embarassing on my part trying to advise him but we got it figured out.
He is correct, the Flashers On/Off only work if the switch is in on or acc. before activating or terminating. Once flashing the switch does not have to be On

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