Shocks 2-up


New member
Feb 3, 2015
Hey all,

Took my lady out on the first 2-up ride on the SG earlier today. I come back with one question. Over some of the more severe bumps, bridge expansion joints ect. the bike seemed to bottom out and really send a jolt through the bike with a knock sound from the rear end. Looking at the owners manual it says that with a bigger load (like a tour pack or passenger) that more air needs to be added to the rear shocks. I am guessing adding more air would help this? Do you all have the H-D pump?

We are planning a lot of rides this summer and I want to make her as comfortable as I can. The only other thing she said was that the backs of her calves hit the edge of the begs but after digging through some old posts it looks like that can be fixed.

With all this said she said it is more comfortable than my old bike. I cant wipe the grin of my face. Every other bike I have owned you could tell when you had a passenger because of the sluggish take off. The SG still takes off like a rocket even with the added weight.

I LOVE this bike.
What year SG? I guess it's a 2014 FLHX.... (please add your bike info to your signature.. thanks )

You need to pump up the rear suspension for added weight... the pump should have come with a new purchase for sure. It might take some 'playing' with different PSI's to get it just right for your 2-up riding.

Since I have the FLHXS... I don't have air shocks and adjust my preload with a knob.

Someone with the SG should be along soon that may give you a good starting point PSI for 2-up...
HD charges about $50 for the pump. I've seen them on eBay for half that.
oops ok I will add that. It is a 2013.

Mojo; That's a good idea. I will keep an eye out.
Simple man,
In your owners manual there is a chart outlining shock air pressure vs bike load. I made a copy of this chart and carry it in a soft padded bag along with the air pump I purchased from HD. Also in the bag is a tire repair kit and about 30' of cotton clothesline suitable for towing. I have the analog pump. One less thing in which to replace batteries. Also doubles as tire pump if needed.

Low & Slow,

I run my 13 SG shocks at 18-20 solo, [210 lbs] and around 30 with a passenger or packed down for the road. I have the progressive hand pump if you want to borrow it, not sure how far it is from Pavement narrows to BFE? :}
Bluesbelly... Unfortunately I did not get a owners manual with my bike. I found a digital copy on the HD website and have been using that. That is a very good point about not needing batteries with the analog model.

Vince... Thank you for the numbers, it will get me started. I am roughly 45 miles north of the middle of nowhere!

Mojo I am going to make a hard copy of that and keep it on the bike as Blue said he does, its a good idea

Thank you everyone. I need to do some shopping for my bike this week. I purchased a backrest for it last week but I need the pump, battery tender and a luggage rack with some soft luggage for it.... it needs exhaust.. then might as well do an air cleaner and fuel programmer... custom wheels would be sweet... This never ends does it?:rolleyes:
Simpleman- Many HD Dealers keep new "extra" manuals to add to their used bike sales. You might even be able to cop a free one and in answer to your question; HD ownership is a lot like Sex drive. It makes you always want more . . . . . . :cool:

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