Some help on battery replacement


New member
Oct 20, 2014
Hi guys!
My bike is a 2014 SG and I need to replace the battery. Today purchased a new one online and it shall be delivered in a couple of days.
Read some topics on foruns and watched some videos on youtube, in order to learn how to do the replacement. Some times I see people disconnecting the main fuse before removing the battery and sometimes not. What´s the right procedure?
To disconnect the main fuse, the guys turn the ignition on, in order to switch off the alarm. But, after the new battery is on place, do I connect the main fuse with the ignition at the same position (on) or do I have to turn it off?
Thanks in advance!
Turn on the bike with your key fob present.
Pull the main fuse.
Turn off the bike.
Swap batteries.
Install the main fuse.
Hulkss, what's the reason for turning the bike on before pulling the fuse?
Hulkss, what's the reason for turning the bike on before pulling the fuse?

Maybe if you don't do it that way the security system will need to relearn the fob....or worse yet prevent the bike from restarting after the work is finished?

Hulkss, what's the reason for turning the bike on before pulling the fuse?

I believe it is to prevent the alarm from activating (assuming you installed the alarm siren which is not stock on the StreetGlide). Otherwise anybody wanting to disable the alarm would just pull the fuse and quietly take the bike away.
I believe it is to prevent the alarm from activating (assuming you installed the alarm siren which is not stock on the StreetGlide). Otherwise anybody wanting to disable the alarm would just pull the fuse and quietly take the bike away.
Thanks! .

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