The $700 tie down strap


New member
Jul 16, 2015
So we went to the HD shop yesterday to pick up a couple of $10 soft straps for strapping the bike down in the trailer. As I'm wandering around, I see a bike with chrome switch housings and I'm thinking...Those look nice. Of course, they have a set in stock. So thinking a bit further, it doesn't make sense to take all of that apart and not do the grips at the same time. Parts guy comes back with grips. So once the switch housings and grips are done, those black master cylinder covers just wouldn't look right. Bring 'em on.

So while all this is going on, my wife is sitting outside comparing notes with some other owners, and they are telling here how nice the passenger floor boards are for longer rides. She comes in and says she wants them and doesn't care what they cost. Then on the way out, she looks at a new Ultra trike and says....We need one of those. That's where I had to draw the line.

So we went in for a set of $10 straps and ended up spending almost $700. figure I got off light considering the cost of the new trike she wanted. :)
lol.........why do you think Harley puts all the dealer locations in their database in the new GPS system.....just one thing the MoCo is doing to help us out :D

It would be different if their stuff wasn't so damn good:rolleyes:
I used to go into Millers in Daytona. He sold more aftermarket chrome, exhaust, seats, engines, etc. than you can imagine, and had boxes of tools at the front door, so you could put your new purchase on the bike in the parking lot. Salesmen would look at your bike and tell you what you needed to do next. I would ride down to Daytona for the day, sit on a bench in Millers parking lot, drink a coke and watch people go crazy. He had one heck of a business. I am glad my dealer is two hours away.
Our local dealer is just minutes away, but they usually don't stock what I want. Last weekend we did a 2 hour ride to another dealer to get fork fangs...and of course while I was there I had to hit them up for all the stuff I've been wanting but our local dealer didn't stock. So we check out, haul all the new parts out to the bike and realize that we had more parts than we could haul home...So logically, the next thing had to be a tour pack, right? Well, sort of. We bought a T-Bag set up.
Our local dealer is just minutes away, but they usually don't stock what I want. Last weekend we did a 2 hour ride to another dealer to get fork fangs...and of course while I was there I had to hit them up for all the stuff I've been wanting but our local dealer didn't stock. So we check out, haul all the new parts out to the bike and realize that we had more parts than we could haul home...So logically, the next thing had to be a tour pack, right? Well, sort of. We bought a T-Bag set up.

That's Funny!
I'm thinking of installing a breathalyzer on my puter, to cut down on some Harley purchases. If I make it through that test, I'm going to install a second device to punch me on the nuts before clicking the Enter button, just to make sure I "really" need it..

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Roadwarrior- Here's a tip: Anytime you head to the dealer . . . leave your billfold at home! :cool:
Roadwarrior- Here's a tip: Anytime you head to the dealer . . . leave your billfold at home! :cool:

They would probably just let me open an account. :)

I see you're in Nashville. We went to Boswells for lunch all the time when we lived there. Our shop was over on 4th Ave near the fairgrounds.
They would probably just let me open an account. :)

I see you're in Nashville. We went to Boswells for lunch all the time when we lived there. Our shop was over on 4th Ave near the fairgrounds.

Yes, I live near the airport and the Dam. I do business with Bumpus HD.

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