Wheel Question


New member
Jan 10, 2018
Today I installed Legends Axeos with a 1" drop up front and 13" Revo A's on the back. Next, I will be going to 21" and 18" wheels. The wheels are a pretty big expense so I'm not sure if I'll be able to do both the front and back at the same time like I did with the suspension. My question is this, how many of you guys are running 21" wheels up front with your stock 16" wheels on back? How does it ride? Any wobble in sweepers? I ask because I was talking to a guy who works in the service department of a shop over a beer and he said having that 16 on the back with a 21 up front isn't such a good idea. Being as I don't know the guy from Adam, I told him thanks for the information then figured I'd come here and ask a bunch of other people I don't know what their experiences have been.

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Today I installed Legends Axeos with a 1" drop up front and 13" Revo A's on the back. Next, I will be going to 21" and 18" wheels. The wheels are a pretty big expense so I'm not sure if I'll be able to do both the front and back at the same time like I did with the suspension. My question is this, how many of you guys are running 21" wheels up front with your stock 16" wheels on back? How does it ride? Any wobble in sweepers? I ask because I was talking to a guy who works in the service department of a shop over a beer and he said having that 16 on the back with a 21 up front isn't such a good idea. Being as I don't know the guy from Adam, I told him thanks for the information then figured I'd come here and ask a bunch of other people I don't know what their experiences have been.


I’m running a 21” up front and 16” in the back. No issues with ABS. It’s rides great and sits fine. No issues. I’m gonna get the axeos later. I was going to go with the 1” drop, but actually I like the way the bike looks as is.


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Thanks. It came out great with the vivid black calipers, and chrome rotors

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