Wierd queastion - what seat did I get?


New member
Dec 18, 2014
Took my bike in for service yesterday at the local dealer. Picked it up and something was nagging at me, but I couldn't put a finger on it. Got home and thought "crap, that's not my seat" I don't have anything custom, just the stock 2015 SGS seat. But I left with this:

its the extra lines in the middle that my stock seat didn't have I think. Am I crazy?
2017 factory stock Roadglide seat. They had a This different stitch pattern.
It actually looks like a Road or Street Glide seat but from 2017 or 2018 have that extra stitch pattern on it.
That's, I'll call the dealer and see if a 2017 is rocking a seat with my ass impression.
update: turns out they put a 2018 seat on. But it gets better... it's the owner of the dealership's seat. He had it swapped out for a new one, dealership said it's mine if I want it, so looks like I get a seat refresh.
The stock seat is poor quality, not fully sealed underneath and, consequently, holds water for days after a good downpour. That may not be much of a problem in CA, but with my dealer deaf to any warranty claim I've replaced mine with a Le Pera.

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