Winterize Question


New member
Sep 14, 2016
I have to park my bike in an oversized shed for the winter. 2016 SGS. Curious what people do to keep mice from ruining any electrical wires or seats?

Also what battery tender should I get for this baby?

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Haven't had any issues with mice with my bike but I guess it could happen. Get battery tender brand or get one at the Harley dealer both have the same hook up for keeping your battery good through the cold winter. There should be a battery tender harness hooked up already but if not it should come with one to hook up.
Get a battery tender from Deltran PN 021-0128 or buy one from Harley PN 66000004. I have used both on my 2014 SGS long term with good results. As for the rats, I uses an old sock half full of mothballs under the hoods of several old muscle cars I have parked outside, works good. The rats don't seem to like the smell of the mothballs!! Make sure you check the socks every 2 wks or so because the mothballs seem to "evaporate" over time. You could probably zip tie a sock on both sides of your bike to keep those critters from eating your wires etc... Hope this helps Mike
Speaking of Battery Tenders- I've been using them for years with good results. My 7 yr old riding lawnmower still has original Battery.

That being said. The last Tender I bought from Harley feels completely empty inside, light as a feather. I guess the went all electronic so the only contents is a small circuit board. But it works great and looks just like the old ones.
My bikes have never been put away for the winter. I will still ride when we get some nice days. I always try to ride a charity ride near where I live on January 1st. Last ride before the salt hits the ground I will clean and wax her, add Seafoam to a full tank of gas, Plug the Battery Tender in, then cover her with the bike cover. She is always ready to go.
Mine never gets put up either I ride all year but my tractors and pickup I keep the gas tanks full of non ethanol regular fuel. don't use the fuel additives to treat ethanol that stuff gets oily and gummy after it sits. put a battery tender on it and call it good. as for the rodents I don't care what you do , if you live near some woods they will find a way to hide acorns or make a nest in and on your cars and motorcycles.

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