Your input please.


New member
Aug 14, 2015
Hello Everyone,

Back in mid-late May 2016, I received my seat back from a reputable, very popular aftermarket seat customizer. Overall, I was very happy with the design, color choice of leather (tan), and the reworking of my seat area. I also inquired about what leather care product they recommended too.

Fast forward two months to my Sturgis trip. While touring around SD for the week, we encountered just about daily passing rain storms, etc. So as you can imagine my seat got wet, very wet at times. But dried rather quickly to say the least. And not once was it a problem.

It was in Sturgis that I started noticing the color in my seat fading. Especially the passenger section. To the point that in the sunlight it was evident that the tan color in the seat had lessened dramatically. Now, keeping in mind that I've owned the newly designed since seat May and of course had ridden extensively throughout the summer up till my Sturgis trip.

Its now after my trip and I am well, disgusted that the seat has faded. I realize that I'm not providing a pic at this time, and will try to in the near future. The seat I has a noticeable lighter shade, especially in the sunlight. Also note that I never was my SG or my other bikes with seats on. I always remove them, just something that I do.

I emailed the business, their response was that I should have treated the seat with the recommended leather product monthly as they recommended. And the color would have not faded.

Honestly, I don't see how treating the seat would have prevented the color from fading. I received the seat May 19th and noticed that fading second week in August. That's just shy of 2.5 months and my seat fades? I've owned many leather items and never have I had anything fade in just under 2.5 months. Maybe 2.5 years but not in 2.5 months.

What is your input regarding their response about the seat fading due to not being treated monthly?

Thank you.

ps: I plan on working with them and seeing if it can be redyed.

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