06 charging issue


New member
May 29, 2016
Ok guys here's the deal. Been a few weeks so I haven't been riding (just got my truck back from the transmission shop) anyway went to go start her up and ride for a bit tonight but the battery was dead. Jumped it (from my old ladies car cause it was my only option) charged the battery all was well bike started I took her for a ride to get the charging system to charge the battery, it read close to 14 volts the whole ride which was about 20 min, I was about a block from the house, when I noticed a flicker in the lights, was my engine light and battery light. Volts reading about 8. Does this sound like my voltage regulator or my stator took a sh*t?
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Could be one or the other.... I would think either one would behave the same.... no charge/drain battery with use.
So I had my battery tested and it tested bad. Could that be the culprit? It'll only hold 11.3 VDC. If that were the case though wouldn't the stator keep charging and showing 14v on the gauge? Maybe I'm wrong here.
You need a new battery. Sometimes a battery cell is bad and shorted internally. The charging system can not overcome that.
Ok so I replaced the battery. Started the bike up, volts went to 14, but the bike wouldn't stay running. Then when it finally idled by itswlf I took it for a test ride. Shortly after I left the house lights came back on and voltage staying at 10vdc. Throwing code p0562. Regulator?
Ok so I replaced the battery. Started the bike up, volts went to 14, but the bike wouldn't stay running. Then when it finally idled by itswlf I took it for a test ride. Shortly after I left the house lights came back on and voltage staying at 10vdc. Throwing code p0562. Regulator?

it can only be two things at this point , your stator and/or your voltage regulator. Do you have a service manual?
Alright guys so after running the charging system tests. The voltage regulator was pulling a lot of current (.7 ohms) so I replaced it today and the bike is good! Thanks for all the help!

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