14-15 Harley Radio Flash Final Accurate Details


May 1, 2013
03-19/2015 - UPDATE to the 2014-2015 Harley Infotainment Systems Flash Issue. ((actual Harley Computer Screen Shots here http://www.jmcorp.com/PDF/HarleyRadioFlashUpdate03-19-2015.pdf ))

After having numerous radio flashes performed at our local Harley Dealer, & now with more than 35 ROKKER audio system installs/flashes at the J&M audio trailer during Daytona Bike Week, I have a much better look at this entire issue.

1) J&M Brand ROKKER series & Performance series amplifiers are currently preset for the stock Harley radio flash as ((Under SPEAKERS TAB: Number of amps 0, 2 or 4 speakers CHECKED, Under OPTIONS TAB: Amp 2 Installed? CHECKED NO, Amp 1 Installed? CHECKED NO)) which is how most if not all of the 2014-2015 radios have been delivered stock from Harley, (with the CVOs being the exception to this), so there is NO reason to have the stock Harley radio re-flashed when installing the J&M brand speakers & amplifiers.

2) When installing other non-Harley brand speakers/amplifiers, simply adjust the amplifier input gain & frequency response curve settings to optimize the available volume and clarity, just as you would do with a standard automotive type radio, regardless of how the Harley radio is flashed, and if you change the radio flash at a later date, then simply re-optimize the amplifier input gain/frequency response settings.

3) For the New J&M ROKKER XX Extreme & Performance Extreme installation KITS http://www.jmcorp.com/SeeProducts.asp?PF=55 & http://www.jmcorp.com/SeeProducts.asp?PF=56 as of this date, are going to be offered pre-set for the BoomBox 6.5GT premium & 4.3 standard radio, with the REQUIRED special Harley radio flash as ((Under SPEAKERS TAB: Number of amps? SELECT 0, then CHECK BOX for 0 amps, 4 speakers, Upper Fairing/Rear pods. Under OPTIONS TAB: Amp 2 Installed? CHECK YES, Amp 1 Installed? CHECK YES)) and this particular Harley radio flash will automatically activate the front/rear fader control. And while your dealer is performing these updates for you, I would also check YES to the Intercom, Bluetooth and CB under the options tab. ((see actual computer screen shots here. http://www.jmcorp.com/PDF/HarleyRadioFlashUpdate03-19-2015.pdf

This special Harley radio flash combined with a properly adjusted J&M ROKKER or other brand amplifier, will provide superior sound & clarity, compared the current stock Harley radio flash.

These new special J&M ROKKER XTP amplifier DSP software programs designed for this special Harley radio flash as ((Under SPEAKERS TAB: Number of amps? SELECT 0, then CHECK BOX for 0 amps, 4 speakers, Upper Fairing/Rear pods. Under OPTIONS TAB: Amp 2 Installed? CHECK YES, Amp 1 Installed? CHECK YES)) will be available on the J&M ROKKER XTP software download webpage http://www.jmcorp.com/static/rokker-downloads.htm within the next 14 days, for those of you who already have a J&M ROKKER XTP amplifier and wish to re-flash your Harley radio to this special flash & update your J&M ROKKER XTP amplifier settings.

We will be providing further updates as they become available. JMJOHN – john@jmcorp.com

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