2009 FLHX Cruise Control Issues. Any Help?


New member
Aug 24, 2024
Everything seems to be working on the bike, Cruise lights up on the switch and again on the clock. I've checked the brakes, brake light goes on and off as it should, clutch seems to be working fine and i just checked the roll off. That seems to be working also but for some reason the cruise control will not engage at all. Can anyone help ?
Does your bike have the optional abs system on it? If it does, your ride has 3 different speed sensors on it. Two (front and rear) wheel speed sensors and an actual speed sensor mounted on the transmission. One of these may be going out on you. Notice anything unusual with the Speedo needle?

Does it have the original tire and wheel sizes on it? Speedo would need to be recalibrated if it doesn't.
I think the speedo needle is fine, the cruise control hasn’t worked since I bought the bike. It does have a 19” wheel on the front from the newer model Street Glides.
Cruise control was an option on your year. You have the controls for it but it may have never been "turned on" or the different size front wheel isn't letting engage. Because the wheel is larger it is rotating at a different speed than is expected.
Maybe so. It’s not a huge deal. I can live without it I appreciate you guys and the help. It’s good to see some forums are still active
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