2011 tach wiring/tech info needed...


New member
Dec 12, 2019
Looking for location, wire color, signal voltage level (12v standard or 5v logic-level), signal type (square wave? what duty cycle?), etc for the tachometer on my 2011 Street Glide.

Purpose is installation of LED lights. Aside from being a gearhead and Harley enthusiast, I'm a bit of an electronics geek and I have a project in mind that I've been wanting to do for a while. The Street Glide is the perfect conduit for it, but unfortunately, the tech info isn't out there like it is for my Sportster...we don't have entire websites dedicated to this sort of thing like Sportsterpedia.com!

The plan is to run some basic 12v LED strip lights hidden under the tank, bags, frame, etc. but have them controlled by engine RPM. By tapping into the tach signal, and sending that to an Arduino board, I can alter the brightness of the lights via pulse width modulation. The plan is to go completely off at 1kRPM, full brightness at 5.kRPM, so the lights create a visual "breathing" effect to go along with the tone of my Thunderheader.

I just need to know what type of signal I'm putting into the Arduino board, and planning the circuit would be a lot easier if I could get the info without having to first rip my fairing apart and start probing stuff with the multimeter.
I would recommend that you consider purchasing the 2011 Electrical Diagnostic Manual for your bike. The CKP sensor is a variable reluctance device that generates an AC voltage as the teeth of the crankcase pass by it. This signal fluctuaties by taking readings from 30 (32 teeth in total) there are 2 teeth missing to establish a reference point. This signal then goes to the ECM. There are several places in the manual that talk about the CKP signal and how it is developed and used that would help you understand it better than I could explain. Once the signal goes into the ECM I think it gets changed to a 5 volt logic level and is transferred through the buss system between the modules.

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