2018 Special with P0444 Trouble code


New member
Aug 6, 2019
Hey guys I'm hoping someone can help. I searched the forum and could not find anything on this subject.

I have a 2018 Streetglide Special and recently the check engine light came on. I have a V&H Fuelpak FP3, I had started the auto tune feature and part way through decided I would try it again sometime and stuck with my current flash. At some point during the auto tune my check engine light came on and gave me a code of P0444 (purge solenoid low/open, purge solenoid is discounnected). Even with the code the bike runs great. I cleared the code several times and each time the bike is started it has come back. I have tried flashing the stock map and still the light comes back. I spent some time on the phone with V&H tech support and they couldn't find anything wrong with what I uploaded to them. I went to my local HD dealer and their big tunning tech was in Milwaukee learning about the Livewire so I am waiting to hear back from him. My understanding is that only Cali bikes have the purge solenoid garbage and my bike in WA does not. I found what I believe is the plug under the seat and for the life of me can not find any place to plug it in. Most plugs have even if not in use are plugged into something, but this red plug is just hanging out.

Hopefully someone has some suggestions,
Can anyone not in Cali tell me if they have a resistor plug or dummy plug on the red plug (purge solenoid) under the seat?

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