I purchased this bike brand new from Superstition Harley Davidson in 2021. I noticed early on when riding on a straight freeway that the front end seemed to lean right. At first, I thought this was an optical allusion. Upon close inspection, I noticed that the fairing was tweaked to the left and actually rubbed on the clutch hydraulic line. (almost like someone from the factory or the dealer tried compensating for the front end "twist"). I took the bike in under warranty and requested that they properly align every thing up. They aligned the fairing of equal distance on both sides of the handlebars and is no longer rubbing on the clutch hydraulic clutch line. This exasperated the problem as now it REALLY appears that everything leans to the right. The bike does seem to go straight down the road. Harley Davidson Factory Tech told me that sometimes when the forks are "torqued down" at the factory that they will sometimes "twist" and that there was no adjustment available. That this issue is NOT a defect and that that's just "how it is" with some of these bikes. Now I can't seem to "un see" this while riding. Has anyone ever heard of this ? Any constructive input would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Mike