I went with $60 cheapos off ebay about 4 or 5 years ago when I still had my Road King because I only use them in the winter months. I always ride black bikes so they matched the paint just fine. They didn't come with half the hardware but I was able to get it from the local hardware store for less than $5. I bought the quick-detach kit from ebay for about $20 which worked just fine with exception of the bottom mounting point was a pain and seemed to lift the fairing up too high which made mounting them a pain so I bought the HD ones for less than $10. I've had them for many years and two bikes now and they still work fine. The only other thing I did was replace the glove box doors with some HD ones I bought at a swap meet so they looked like the real deal! Since I only use them in the winter they work great for me, I think If I were to use them year around I would go for a higher quality brand.