A couple of weeks ago I went to order some work boots in Anaheim, California - as I was leaving I noticed the American Flag not tethered properly at the restaurant next door. My initial feelings mad, sad and disappointed! All the way home the feeling consumed me. A few days later I went to pick up my boots to find the American Flag in the same condition. I walked over to the restaurant (which was abandoned for several weeks) opened the box to retrieve our flag. Again I was mad, sad and disappointed but now relieved! Why the business owner, property owner, property management, employees, boot store next door, condos across the street or any of the other thousands of people that drive by each and every day take the time to show respect to the symbol of our freedom. Anaheim was founded in the 1800’s on the basis of immigrants creating a better life for their families and today new immigrants occupy the same area but not with the same values. I will be sure to show my respects tomorrow for those that made the ultimate sacrifice. USN 1984 -1988