Are you just a Rider, or are you a Rider Rider?


New member
Feb 15, 2015
Question for the HD riders who really like to ride long distances. Do you guys/gals believe in making lengthy stops to eat multiple times a day during rides? I'm just curious because my wife likes to say that I never want to stop and eat or drink when we're rolling. Now of course that's over-exaggeration on her part, because I do enjoy stopping, eating and visiting with our friends for an hour or so during two of the three meals on a day long ride, but not during all three. I prefer more time on the road where I feel free and relaxed during my wind therapy. I also don't feel the need to drink something every time I stop either, but I will hydrate when necessary. This topic came up this morning because my wife suggested that my buddy and I ride to a restaurant and have breakfast with her and my buddy's wife (who have a girls day planned) before my buddy and I head out on 4-5 hour ride together. I told my wife that I had planned on having breakfast before leaving home and that's when she started jokingly giving me a hard time about not liking to stop. We had a very good and funny conversation going and I told her that she was a good "Rider" but I was going to turn her into a great "Rider, Rider" and show her how to earn an iron seat badge. Needless to say, she said that she had no interest in earning an iron seat badge...LOL. That's when I started singing the old Smokey and the Bandit tune..."We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there. We're gonna do what they say can't be done." Having said all of that, I would like to know what do you guys/gals think is a fair compromise here?
Question for the HD riders who really like to ride long distances. Do you guys/gals believe in making lengthy stops to eat multiple times a day during rides? I'm just curious because my wife likes to say that I never want to stop and eat or drink when we're rolling. Now of course that's over-exaggeration on her part, because I do enjoy stopping, eating and visiting with our friends for an hour or so during two of the three meals on a day long ride, but not during all three. I prefer more time on the road where I feel free and relaxed during my wind therapy. I also don't feel the need to drink something every time I stop either, but I will hydrate when necessary. This topic came up this morning because my wife suggested that my buddy and I ride to a restaurant and have breakfast with her and my buddy's wife (who have a girls day planned) before my buddy and I head out on 4-5 hour ride together. I told my wife that I had planned on having breakfast before leaving home and that's when she started jokingly giving me a hard time about not liking to stop. We had a very good and funny conversation going and I told her that she was a good "Rider" but I was going to turn her into a great "Rider, Rider" and show her how to earn an iron seat badge. Needless to say, she said that she had no interest in earning an iron seat badge...LOL. That's when I started singing the old Smokey and the Bandit tune..."We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there. We're gonna do what they say can't be done." Having said all of that, I would like to know what do you guys/gals think is a fair compromise here?

On a group ride (large or small) the goal is for everyone to have fun. This might be a case to NEGOTIATE with your wife.
My wife and I love to ride an hour or so and stop for breakfast whether alone or with other bikes. After that we ride and stop as needed. Sometimes we do a 300 mile day sometimes 150 miles or less. If I look in my mirror and see lots of toothy smiles I know we are on program.
First swung my leg over a bike more than 50 years ago and felt then the same as you describe. Go like a MAFA. Now at age 66 I'm taking time to enjoy the scenery and the folks around me more than ever. Must be an age thing. Conversely I love to ride with the guys. We ride em long and hard and tear up the road.
Do I consider my self a Riders, Rider? Oh, You Betcha!

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I think you're playing with fire. If you make riding a chore, you'll lose your backseat companion. I strive to make my passenger have the best damn time so she will always want to go. Seems like very few women (that i would want to ride with) have any desire to do an iron butt ride or even close. Like you, i like to make good time and yea, i'll stop for cool scenery and pitstops, but want to get the miles in. I find if i'm going to ride long and hard, I'm either doing it alone, or with one like minded bro. Anymore people than that it becomes a cluster f**k.
if I'm riding or driving, I generally don't stop for food. During fuel stops, I normally get a coke & a snack. I'll walk the lot eating to stretch my legs & then I'm gone. My wife & kids know this is how I do it, so they;ll grab fast food to eat in the car while I'm doing my thing.

Usually the only exceptions are a lunch stop if I'm driving 12+ hrs.
To me, it's a matter of determining, first, what's important to your riding partner, in this case, your wife. Secondly, whether you are simpatico with the group you're riding with, and whether you are down with how they ride.

Over the years, I've found that my wife is a riding fool! Anytime, anywhere! Not so most of the folks we have ridden with. Mostly, they are weak pussies. So there is one couple that we feel completely comfortable with, and their son and his girlfriend. Otherwise, we are happy riding by ourselves!
These are all great responses! Let me clarify tho that when my wife and I ride together, we actually do stop to take in the scenery and maybe even shop a bit (wife's hobby) at times. I'm totally fine with all of that. I don't want to sound like I just have her climb on the back and away we go until I get ready to stop. We actually agreed that we would stop every 100 miles for drink and restroom breaks unless we something comes up that warrants stopping sooner. Oh, and I was just joking about the iron butt badge...LOL. I enjoy having her ride with me and don't intend to mess that up again (a whole other story which involved popping a wheelie with her on the back in 1995). She never rode with me again on any of my bikes (all sport bikes) after that, until I got my SGS.
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