bar swap woes


New member
Jan 17, 2025
hi morning guys have a massive problem with my street glide st swapped the bars over to 12 la choppers one the wire pulled pretty easily but now i have no functions on left clutch side at the switch have checked continuity of wire and also voltage at can bus pins at connector all are fine but when plugged in nothing .if you swap plugs over A TO B then everything work but then nothing or right hand side works .Have checked fuses and switch works fine when swapped to other plug .have voltage at pins continuity of wires am i missing something as im now scratching my head as to why it dosent work
yes the left side bars only have the four wires running to them red white white black black green and red all are good also checked the voltage at the can bus pins there pretty much the same as the right side pins only thing i can think of and someone esle had similar issue after doing a through seach is that the left side dosent like solder joints as he had same issue right side was ok left side didnt like them so have ordered a longer set of lead so i dont have to have extensions or solder joints in will let you know how i get on
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yes the left side bars only have the four wires running to them red white white black black green and red all are good also checked the voltage at the can bus pins there pretty much the same as the right side pins only thing i can think of and someone esle had similar issue after doing a through seach is that the left side dosent like solder joints as he had same issue right side was ok left side didnt like them so have ordered a longer set of lead so i dont have to have extensions or solder joints in will let you know how i get on
I'm in the process of buying a 22 st myself and will seap to 12s also. Post back and let us know.
update right resolved the issue with the left hand side switches .a new longer cable resolved it it turns out the left side absolutely does not like to be soldered have found a couple of similar posts on other sites that had same issue .the right hand throttle side dosen't seem to mind soldered joint but the left has issues with it
A 22st sounds like a solid choice—looking forward to hearing how it works with 12s.
do not cut and solder wires if you replace bars as the canbus system doesn't like it best way i found to pull wires through is to disconnect them from switches and pull the switch end through as plugs are smaller was pretty easy with the LA choppers bars

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