Biketoberfest Roll Call


New member
Oct 2, 2013
Just curious as to who is coming to Daytona Beach next week and where are you coming from?

We want to invite everyone to stop by and say hello! We don't care if you are interested in buying something or not. We just like making new friends and putting a face with a name.

We are located in the Destination Daytona complex. If you go on past J&P Cycles we are in the row of buildings on the left, facing I-95.

Everyone have a safe trip and enjoy the ride, that is what it is all about!
I'll be there with a friend Saturday afternoon and Sunday. We'll stop by. Coming from Brevard County

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I might make it out on Thursday or Friday, unfortunately I work on weekends right now.

I'll drop in if I do make it out.

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We took a ride up to Starke Bikefest on Saturday to check it out. I've never been before so not sure what to expect. It was rather small and we didn't stay long to check it all out. It was a beautiful day and nice ride with the wife so I am calling the day a success.

We rode down to Main Street yesterday and there seems to be a decent size crowd in town already. We didn't stay very long so I'm not sure what it was like when the sun went down. I'm not the party guy I used to be so I am usually home with my feet kicked up in the recliner fairly early.

Everyone ride safe and enjoy the ride.
Nothin' wrong with that! Sounds like you had a good time.

It's looking like I'll be out that way on Friday.

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Just a quick update that Biketoberfest is in full swing and the weather just couldn't be any better. For those that are down here please be safe and watch out for the many crazy people on the roads.
Turns out I won't be making it out this week, work screwed me over. I'll definitely drop by and see y'all at the shop one of these days, though.

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Turns out I won't be making it out this week, work screwed me over. I'll definitely drop by and see y'all at the shop one of these days, though.

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I hate that you are going to have to miss the event but I guess it is a good thing you do have a job these days. Come on by anytime, we aren't going anywhere.
I hate that you are going to have to miss the event but I guess it is a good thing you do have a job these days. Come on by anytime, we aren't going anywhere.
There's always Bike Week next year. I've been keeping up on the Facebook photos that have been going out, so even though I can't make it, I can still see some pretty sweet rides.

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Edit: change of plans! Just got home from work, the guy that got me called in showed up. I'm on my way!
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