Charging System


Sep 18, 2015
So I was riding out to my new house the other day and all of a sudden my radio started to go on and off. I looked up and saw that the battery light was on. I looked again and the ABS light was on and so was a light on the speedometer. Yeah, FML. I then got to watch the voltage gauge steadily drop to 0. I quickly hopped on the freeway and got up to speed. I kept it in fifth gear and at 80-85 mph which was about 3200 RPM. The voltage meter started rising. By the time I got to my house the volt meter was back at about 14. I let the bike sit a bit after turning it off and tried starting it again but no go. I put it on the tender for an hour and she started right up. Hmmmmm.

All I was able to really do that day was to check the connections at the regulator. I pulled the oil cooling unit out of the way by removing the two torx screws and then unbolted the two 7/16" flange nuts that hold the regulator to the frame. I got the two connections undone and cleaned both sides of all of the connection points. I put it all together, snapped the right side mounting bolt for the regulator (see proof of with wrench embedded in drywall of garage), and fired her up to check the charging. No go. Great. See earlier FML.

So I let the bike charge and rode back. I left the radio off and kept the RPMs up. The voltage needle took a long time to start dipping. I experimented and turned the radio on and watched it drop faster. So I have a charging system problem.

Tonight I again unplugged the regulator but this time I had a meter handy. The three legs of the stator are giving me 13.5 VAC, 15.6 VAC, and 3.9 VAC. I do believe I have a problem with the stator. I then plugged the stator into the regulator and measured the output of the regulator. I got 0 VDC. Shouldn't I have gotten something? I do believe I have a problem there too.

So here is my current plan of attack and would love some feedback. I am going to replace the stator and the regulator.

1. Is it worth replacing the compensator while I'm in there or is it better yet to install an eliminator?
2. Is there a "kit" with all of the gaskets and seals I need or do I need to buy them all individually?
3. Is there a recommended aftermarket stator?
4. Is there a recommended aftermarket regulator?
5. Does anyone know what size socket I need for the clutch hub mainshaft nut?
6. Does anyone have a good source for the T70 torx drive I need for the compensator bolt?
7. Does Jims make a primary drive locking tool and if so, what is the part number?
8. Are there any other specialty tools I may need?
9. Is there anything else I have neglected to think of?

Thanks for the help guys. Ride safe.


for the 70 torx bit I got mine from auto zone good quality and not too bad on the price
as to the compensator I recommend that you go with the eliminator instead of replacing it
if you go this route all the instructions say you have to pull the clutch to install but when I did mine I did not have to pull the clutch and I went with a 34 tooth eliminator
did need to heat the bolt with a propane torch to loosen the lock tite
check my thread here about the compensator eliminator
Yup, the stator was bad and it took out the regulator. I went with a Cycle Electric replacement kit model CE-84T-14.


I only had time for tear down today since I am actually doing a bit more than just the charging system at the same time. Next weekend I should be able to put it all back together.

Ride safe.


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