Close call experience BEWARE!


Dec 6, 2013
I pride myself in being and good and experienced driver weather it's 2 or 4 wheels I'm piloting. I wanted to share an experience that has taught me a new lesson. We all know about creating space when you can with cagers and we all know to be EXTRA careful when oncoming vehicle want to make a left turn. Here are a couple of new ones to me and one I was involved in Sunday;
Two weeks ago a motorcyclist was killed when a oncoming pickup was making a left turn well ahead of the cyclist. The cyclist did not slow down very much assuming the truck would be well out of his path by the time he got there. As it turned out the truck was pulling an equipment trailer and by the time the biker saw it, he locked up his brakes and slammed into it killing him instantly. Lesson here, Don't assume anything!

Sunday I'm tooling down the freeway in the right lane doing the speed limit and about 2 car lengths behind the car to my left. As we approached the off ramp at 65 mph, the car decides to swerve across 2 lanes and take the exit. As it swepted over my horn and Anti-lok brakes went into action and my front tire was about 4 inches from the rear of the car carrying 2 teenage girls laughing all the way not realizing what just about happened.:mad:
Lesson here, don't get between off ramps and cars on your left!!
Yes I have experience with the 2nd one. Crazy what people will do. Glad your safe and those are both valuable lessons.

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Have been involved with both and the freeway one is the worst. Did you have a little chat with the young ladies after or just move on and find a location to clean you shorts??
This is why I stay off of certain hwys that are known for people driving like idiots.

Sent from the mobile leash
I think some people live in a delusional world and really believe a motorcycle is capable of doing things like in thatstupid movie "Wild Hogs" I think it was called.
Glad your ok. I live in an area full of tourist from all over the world, I see stuff like this all too often. You can't teach people common sense.
No I didn't do anything but shake my head and wish a huge curse on women driving and using cell phones simultaneously.
The experience i had just 2 weeks ago was i was in the left lane on the interstate i was approaching a semi that was in the right lane and as i got closer to the semi i went to gun it to get passed him and all of a sudden a car that was in front of the semi quickly jumped in the left lane and slammed on his break to make I'm assuming a u-turn where the cops sit to look for speeders.

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I hear ya man , good info

Me and some soccer mom and her kids almost got up close and personal bout 2 -3 weeks ago when she had her head up her a- hole

I stopped my bike blind with rage/rattled at the same time , she hauled azz best thing she probably could have done

Had my heart pumping on that one.

KW that's how people's doors get kicked in , glade you pulled out ok
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To many ways to die! This post is one of the reasons I love these forums, makes you think about the situation and your response before it happens.
I always hope that we all ride down the road with situational awareness foremost in our mind. That is what I hope. Then I realize reality strikes and we do occasionally ride down the road actually enjoying the scenery and life. Nothing wrong with that but we do need to be careful out there.
KW that's how people's doors get kicked in , glade you pulled out ok

Sometimes it's best just to move on and act like nothing happened. Kicking a door in , not to wise. IMO. Someone could say ooops scared me and I turned the wheel and ran over him.. sorry.
One takes the risks and understands that YOU are the one that has to drive defensively not them.
Control that road rage man. "Check yourself before you wreck yourself"
Just saying brother... ride safe and calm.
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MoJo, thanks for sharing. I have never been in that situation on two wheels, I will keep it in my thoughts when riding in those situations. I would rather take a back road then a freeway, but sometimes that is not a option.

I'm Glad you didn't get caught up in that bad situation. You must have been driving slower then your angle. Ride Safe my friend..

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