Clutch issue


New member
Aug 10, 2024
Looking for clutch issue help.
Have a stiff clutch lever, like the clutch won’t engage, when the bike is started and you pull in the clutch and put in gear the bike jumps and stalls out, replaced clutch disks and spacers (oem screaming eagle) and bled the clutch fluid and still stiff any recommendations
Did you set the clutch adjustment at the hub properly before closing up the derby cover?
I didn’t know you could adjust a hydraulic clutch, can you tell me what needs to be done to adjust it?
Also I don’t know if this is useful information in my situation but I currently have the clutch disks removed and the clutch lever is still hard and won’t come back to the handlbar
The lever when pulled pushes fluid from the master cylinder on your handlebar down to the slave cylinder on the right side of the transmission. The slave cylinder pushes the clutch throw out rod out on to the clutch release plate. That plate will have a jamb nut and an adjuster screw. Loosen the jamb nut and back out the adjuster screw, then run the adjuster screw back in until it is lightly seated. Then back it off ½ to 1 turn, hold the screw in place and tighten the in nut.
When was the last time that the fluid was changed in the system? The fluid is actually brake fluid and it absorbs moisture. If not checked for moisture content and changed regularly, it can cause the symptoms you state.
I have bled the clutch and clean fluid is coming through and no air coming out of the system
Sounds like either the master or slave cylinder is in need of repair then.
Before you change everything out, does the pushrod move from side to side when you squeeze the lever? Knowing that the clutch is disassembled at the moment, you'll have to manually push it back to the exhaust side.
It's because your clutch pack is disassembled and the springs aren't pushing the rod back. Fluid pressure from the other side will hold it there until that pressure is released and the rod is manually pushed back.

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