Collecting parts for a rainy day


New member
Feb 15, 2015
I have tried like hell to resist doing anything to the motor on my 2018 SGS 115th Anniversary Edition and it hasn't been easy. I had told myself that I would stop at the SEPST tuner and SE air cleaner. However, today I did some bartering with my brother. He wanted a set of drag wheels that I had for his Mustang, so we agreed that in exchange, I would accept his brand new SE 515 cam and SE lifters which he did not use in his SE Stage IV build. Now I'm contemplating what to do for head work. This might get expensive real quick, so I need to be careful. I'm going to try and collect parts until I'm out of warranty before I jump in on this one.
You know,that's funny I said the same thing when I got my 18 in August and I've been kinda peeking at cam specs. Here and there while getting other comfort stuff.hey it's inevitable, just one of those things
You know,that's funny I said the same thing when I got my 18 in August and I've been kinda peeking at cam specs. Here and there while getting other comfort stuff.hey it's inevitable, just one of those things

Is sure is. There is no sense in any of us trying to fool ourselves because we all know what we will end up doing eventually; modifying something.
I look at it like this,after it's a year old if it was gonna break it would have already so ,MOD ON and enjoy
I look at it like this,after it's a year old if it was gonna break it would have already so ,MOD ON and enjoy

You're right and realistically speaking, I will probably tear into this one sooner rather than later.
You're right and realistically speaking, I will probably tear into this one sooner rather than later.

Just my opinion, but warranty is nearly worthless for those of us who turn a wrench on our own bikes. Particularly true for those who are also performance minded. When it’s relatively new, wring it out as best you can to determine if something is fundamentally flawed or not assembled correctly. After that, as 18flhxs said, if it was gonna break and a warranty item then it probably would have already. If you’re the type to tear into an engine or transmission to increase performance or make it more robust then you know already that you’ve done stuff that any reasonable person knows can arguably void your warranty.
So screw it, it’s your bike, do what you want to it and if it breaks then fix it.
I’ll never forget the look on my wife’s face when she walked into our basement in March 2003 and found me with the entire top end torn off the brand new (in February 2003) Super Glide Sport.
She said, “What the hell are you doing?”
“Need more power.”, I said.
She muttered something and went back upstairs.
I’ve said this before; Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead.
You're right CoHam. I am so thankful that I have the mechanical ability to do this kind of stuff myself. The dealership gets more than enough money from me in parts and accessories, so it's nice to be able to save on labor. I'm going to continue carefully gather parts, while researching which combination will yield the best results.
NGOT8R for your head work check out Call John up and talk to him about your build and he will help you out. Really happy with the work he did for me.
NGOT8R for your head work check out Call John up and talk to him about your build and he will help you out. Really happy with the work he did for me.

Thanks Tom. What did you have done for head work in your combination?
CNC with bigger exhaust and intake valves with a heavier valve springs. It really breathes now. Still learning to use new power vision.

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