Deceleration Brake Light Modules

T Jay

New member
Apr 12, 2015
Has anyone installed a Brake light module that lights up your tail lights upon deceleration? There are a couple companies that make them, far more than I know of I assume, like Vololights and GearBrake. Unfortunately, it appears that both systems can't operate with a 2015 SGS due to something called a CanBUS system. Not sure exactly what that is, but figured perhaps someone on here might have some knowledge of these products and might point me in the right direction. Thanks for any help provided.

Just a note- The reason I really want one of these is to help prevent people from riding up my ass when I want to slow down but don't require the brakes to do so.... Also, don't really want to add lights, would rather use something that works with the stock lights....well, Custom Dynamics Led bulbs.
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Has anyone installed a Brake light module that lights up your tail lights upon deceleration? There are a couple companies that make them, far more than I know of I assume, like Vololights and GearBrake. Unfortunately, it appears that both systems can't operate with a 2015 SGS due to something called a CanBUS system. Not sure exactly what that is, but figured perhaps someone on here might have some knowledge of these products and might point me in the right direction. Thanks for any help provided.

Just a note- The reason I really want one of these is to help prevent people from riding up my ass when I want to slow down but don't require the brakes to do so.... Also, don't really want to add lights, would rather use something that works with the stock lights....well, Custom Dynamics Led bulbs.

The CAN Bus is an automotive bus developed by Robert Bosch, which has quickly gained acceptance into the automotive and aerospace industries. CAN is a serial bus protocol to connect individual systems and sensors as an alternative to conventional multi-wire looms. It allows automotive components to communicate on a single or dual-wire networked data bus up to 1Mbps. Saves on weight and money not having to use a single wire for every component, light, etc. as in the old systems.
Thanks for the info. I sent an email to GearBrake and got a quick response. They are developing a program that can work with our CanBus systems. The other cool thing they told me they are working on is an OnStar type system for motorcycles that can alert authorities and loved ones upon collision with GPS location and also work as an alert system for unauthorized movement or theft of motorcycles. Sounds cool.

Has anyone else found a brake light modulator that works with our bikes?
It's a nice idea for our bikes that slow significantly just by closing the throttle. For now, if somebody is close behind I just feather the front brake lever to put the brake lights on. I'm sure H-D will offer a "g" sensing brake light some day.
I'd be all over this.... It's a great idea and would help save some lives I'm sure... I ( Like Hulkss) have to consciously tap the front brake in decel...otherwise I get a bumper up my butt. I do use hand signals ALL THE TIME as well.

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