Has anyone installed a Brake light module that lights up your tail lights upon deceleration? There are a couple companies that make them, far more than I know of I assume, like Vololights and GearBrake. Unfortunately, it appears that both systems can't operate with a 2015 SGS due to something called a CanBUS system. Not sure exactly what that is, but figured perhaps someone on here might have some knowledge of these products and might point me in the right direction. Thanks for any help provided.
Just a note- The reason I really want one of these is to help prevent people from riding up my ass when I want to slow down but don't require the brakes to do so.... Also, don't really want to add lights, would rather use something that works with the stock lights....well, Custom Dynamics Led bulbs.
Just a note- The reason I really want one of these is to help prevent people from riding up my ass when I want to slow down but don't require the brakes to do so.... Also, don't really want to add lights, would rather use something that works with the stock lights....well, Custom Dynamics Led bulbs.
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