Do you Heel Shift ? Or is it just me.

I always use mine. I started many years ago and never looked back.

As far as the boot wear (priro to my first bike with the heal toe shifter) I always saw that as a badge of honor. LOL
Tried it hated it. Felt like I was stomping on the shifter. I do use it to put the bike in neutral.

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I just removed mine. I only used it to find neutral. Now that it is gone, and having installed longer boards, I LOVE having the extra real estate and not bumping into the heel shifter.

Removed the first one I had back in 2004 on a Softail, but after wearing various types of shoes while riding I added it back, and have used it on the past three bikes including my new Street Glide. It takes some getting used to, but it does what it is supposed to. Although the shifter mark mark may be a badge of honor on my motorcycle boots, it's not so much welcome on others.
I took mine off. Just couldn't get the hang of it. My brain just said No..
I loved the heel shifter on my Suzuki Boulevard, but it sat behind the floor board and only about an inch higher than the boards edge.

The stock lever is too cramped for me. I couldn't move my left foot and it was so high I found it very awkward to use, especially in my harness boots. If extended levers weren't so expensive I'd probably put it back on. I tried it again last week but I nearly freaked out that something was wrong when my boot hit it instead of just cleanly getting up on the floorboard.

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always use it. Read of someone riding with slippers, man DON'T. Seen too many fingerless feet due to them. Also read of someone else complaining about the height of the heel shaft... You know that you can adjust it don't you?

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Rev, I have it as low as it can be. Any lower and it hits the floorboard before it actually shifts. The only way to get it where I want it would be to have it behind the floorboard, but the extended levers are ~$130 each iirc.

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Rev, I have it as low as it can be. Any lower and it hits the floorboard before it actually shifts. The only way to get it where I want it would be to have it behind the floorboard, but the extended levers are ~$130 each iirc.

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from your earlier post I got that you found the shaft to be high... extended shafts can be found for reasonable sums in the www.... one friend of mine bought them for 55 bucks and they look and function really good.

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I got mine from jp cycles
Believe it was about 30-45ish
Looks like the stock lever

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That sure is a tempting price. I've been looking at a lot of the ebay knockoffs too (not to open that can of worms, but I've had good results so far). I'll probably get one next year, since I do miss the heel clicker. Extended toe lever is also on the list!

As always you guys are a tremendous help in keeping my wallet thin
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Minima spesa, massima resa! 😋

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I got used to using one on my 99 ultra before my street glide so I'm totally using it all the time , it's s bit odd though when i jump back on my 91 lowrider custom now and then

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thank you guys for all the replies. It seems the heel shifter is a big personal choice. We're about 60 / 40 on here, with more not using it than ones that do. Which to me is surprising as I love it, and would hate to not have it anymore. thanks for the feed back.
I forget it's there most of the time. I don't find it comfortable to use so I leave it alone. I only leave it on there in case I want to wear some nicer boots that I don't want to scuff up. Maybe I'd use it then.....

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