High Idle and Fix


Nov 24, 2015
Today I went for a ride and my bike was idling at almost 2K. I could push the throttle all the way forward and it would drop down to normal.

I stopped by the dealer and the lead mechanic took a look. He said he has seen the issue occur when the bike is shutdown to soon, it looses track of the correct idle. He also recommended letting the bike idle for a few seconds before turning it off.

The fix is to turn everything off, turn the ignition on and then off for 10 seconds, and repeat 4 times. This resets the correct idle speed. Now everything is back to normal.

Hopefully this helps if anyone ever has this happen.
Yes, that can happen if the throttle is not all the way closed when the bike is shut off.
Today I went for a ride and my bike was idling at almost 2K. I could push the throttle all the way forward and it would drop down to normal.

I stopped by the dealer and the lead mechanic took a look. He said he has seen the issue occur when the bike is shutdown to soon, it looses track of the correct idle. He also recommended letting the bike idle for a few seconds before turning it off.

The fix is to turn everything off, turn the ignition on and then off for 10 seconds, and repeat 4 times. This resets the correct idle speed. Now everything is back to normal.

Hopefully this helps if anyone ever has this happen.
Thank you for the tip! That's what this forum is all about . . . . helping each other!

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