It happened.... I dropped it... sigh...


Feb 22, 2014
Luckily just a little 1/2" scuff on the front corner of the bag and a nick on the crashbar is all that happened... I got lucky....

I was parked... started er up to take off.... turned the bars to the right.... pulled clutch, hit the shifter and I guess I didn't give it enuf throttle and she choked when the clutch engaged and over she went. My feet were just starting to come up, so trying to adjust my footing forward, I couldn't hold it and set it down.

I felt like an idiot, but I will call it a learning experience....

Not even I am immune to brainfarts.... just a few days left this year and this is #1 ( LOL )
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Happens to the best of us. I did the same thing a while back not long after getting the SG. Couldn't quite hold my footing so I had to set her down. And then I had to pick her back up... Nobody was around when this happened, but in some way I kinda wish there was someone there to help me pick it up lol

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Hasn't happened to me with this bike yet. A few other bikes of mine have gone down. I keep telling myself when it does, "learn from what you did wrong". It's a matter of time. I agree with Bagger, big time, better then at 60mph.
Ouch.......Only 2 things are for sure in a bike owners life;

  1. You have dropped your bike
  2. You are going to drop your bike someday

You got the right attitude though!!
You are a mind-reader.... that was the first thing I said to myself... "WHY DIDNT I GET THEM!?!?!"

I was thinking of getting those after the last trip when I missed the bags I used to have hung there on my old Road King :D
New customers for rear saddlebag guards?

+1 - You'r right hulkss! That's exactly why I added them, so I could pick the dang thing back up!!!


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Some beach has some weight to it, that's for sure. I've eyed up those guards though, one day I'll get them.

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Spazz sorry to hear this but you have the right attitude just learn and move on. Don't care who you are this will happen sometime no matter what.

Thinking about these guards for a while maybe it's time to just act and get them.
You are a mind-reader.... that was the first thing I said to myself... "WHY DIDNT I GET THEM!?!?!"

Thanks for sharing, this is my first touring bike and I've felt close to tipping a few times this past season. I have the rear bars in the garage ready to install.

Sorry to hear, give you a perfect reason for new stretch bags or some custom paint now.

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after hearing your story I think I will be in the market for bag guards too. They look fugly but so do f%$ked up bags
I came all so close to droping mine at a traffic light coming to a stop, like a dump **** I was on a ridge in the middle of the lane with the car tire valleys on both sides. Put my right foot down to the road and never hit bottom with it. I was kickin that foot out like a one legged man in a ass kicking contest, thank goodness I had a little more coast and coasted off the ridge. Riding lesson 101 , stay off the crowns when coming to an stop.

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